‘Two Pakatan leaders will ditch Anwar’

Kita officials claim a DAP and PAS chief will make the announcement after the Sarawak election.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Two Kita officials have predicted that Anwar Ibrahim will lose the support of two senior Pakatan Rakyat leaders—one from DAP and the other from PAS—after the Sarawak state election.

The Kita men—central committee member Muhammad Firdaus Christopher and Selangor election committee chief Abdul Malek Shamsuddin—said the two Pakatan leaders would ask Anwar to give up his position as opposition leader because they believed he was indeed the man shown to be having sex with a prostitute in the controversial video screened for journalists last month.

They did not name the two leaders, but said their reason for waiting until after the Sarawak election was that Pakatan needed Anwar as a vote puller.

“But if Pakatan loses, they will blame Anwar,” Firdaus said.

Both Firdaus and Abdul Malek are former members of PKR, the party Anwar leads. They called on all leaders and members of Pakatan parties to stop defending the opposition leader in the face of what they said was clear evidence of his loose morals.

“By defending him, are they condoning his act,” Firdaus said.

The two also called on Anwar to give up politics “for the sake of the nation”.

“The nation has to progress,” Firdaus said. “He should be talking about how he is going to help the Indian poor, the Sabahans and Sarawakians instead of about his case.”


