The Sarawak State Election – Winners and Losers – Implications and consequences for the 13th General Election – By Matthias Chang

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

My analysis of the results of the just completed Sarawak State Election will annoy many and is contrary to the views expressed by the entire cross-section of political pundits. It is not a time for celebrations by the BN, for the two-third majority will not necessarily translate to a similar victory in the next General Election.

Preposterous as it may sound, it was a miracle that the Barisan Nasional retained its two-third majority in the State Assembly.
It was not a miracle for DAP even though it has secured a higher number of seats – 12  and or that Pakatan Rakyat’s overall strength in the Assembly increased to 15.
And the biggest winner is none other than the incumbent Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, the undisputed leader of the leading party, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) and Chairman of the ruling coalition in Sarawak.
The views expressed by the political pundits, especially from Peninsula Malaysia, specifically UMNO and the editors of the mainstream media are so skewed, it is unbelievable. The conventional wisdom was that Tan Sri Taib Mahmud was the biggest liability of the Barisan Nasional.
Some are even demanding his exit now that the election is over. How naive can one be!
This is utter rubbish!  If not for the political maturity and the cunning strategy adopted by Tan Sri Taib Mahmud, the Barisan Nasional would have lost more seats. The fact that PBB won all the seats it contested as was the case in all past state elections except in 1987 is a testament to the ability of this “old fox”, a street-wise politician who outsmarted and out-maneuvered his enemies both within and without the Barisan Nasional.
To read more, please go to, under the columns Urgent – Immediate Attention, Feature Article, and Malaysia Updates.

Matthias Chang
