Dr Mahathir & PKR – birds of same feathers?

KTemoc Konsiders

On Friday 15 April 2011 I posted RPK and the necessary destruction of Anwar Ibrahim? where I commented on the attitude of anwaristas that:

… those who criticize Pakatan (or to be more precise, PKR), like RPK, must have been paid (by BN) while those who criticize BN are deemed to be doing the right thing.

In the aftermath of the Sarawak election results, PKR supporters irritated me when they condemned Ibans as stupid for succumbing to the BN’s money politics.

To those anwaristas, people who exercised their democratic rights to vote for a party are stupid because they failed to vote for PKR. That’s the pathetic state of their mentality and understanding of democracy. Quite frankly I dread to see these PKR people in ruling power.

Now, it seems that Dr Mahathir has the same attitude too. Today, The Malaysian Insider (TMI) reported him stating that Sarawak Chinese have been infected by DAP racism.

What led him to this conclusion?

According to TMI, Dr Mahathir accused the DAP of destroying the so-called ‘power-sharing formula’ that BN had implemented for half a century. More of this ‘power-sharing formula’ later.

He said: “I congratulate the DAP for bringing its racist politics to Sarawak. Before this, all races co-operated well with each other for the good of Sarawak. Now we see clearly that the Chinese community in Sarawak has rejected multiracialism.”

“They have become infected by the virus of Chinese racism that is the guiding principle of the DAP.”

So like PKR, Dr Mahathir sees his political views in black & white tones only, that if a Chinese votes or have voted for DAP, he/she must be a racist.

Now, that by itself would not have been so bad if we are not immediately reminded that Dr M is the patron of the Malay ultra-rightwing Perkasa, a man who has constantly urged Malays to be united and vote for UMNO to protect Malay rights from the Chinese.

So, what does that make him then?

The editorial of TMI has this to say of him and his comments about DAP infecting Sarawakians with racism: 


