PAS and DAP will be stronger in GE 13

By P. Jayendran

I say, all this election fever is getting a bit much and with so much analyses and all that, I have some inclination to comment too. To everyone’s delight, there’s a likelihood that BN will suffer more loses in the next GE unless they change their ways. Judging from what’s been happening, I think that is not going to happen.

To begin with, they are mostly all racists. What is the difference between racism and race-based politics? Dr. M with Perkasa only reaffirms what UMNO is all about. Sometimes for us human beings, it might be better to quit and keep quiet especially when we are quite elderly before senility kicks in. Then we would be likely to do foolish things since the health of our thinking faculty might be severely affected.

The way I see it and I am no expert but thinking rather elementarily, PKR would also erode further in its garnering of seats as compared to the last GE. This is because there are too many frogs permeating within its organization as seen within the past few years. There are likely to be other frogs nurturing and I for one, don’t think we have seen the end of their jumping ways. I don’t trust them and they have lost quite a few able politicians.

I am just a man on the street and not an expert in anything – especially politics. This as many might concur, are the majority of Malaysians and those Malaysians with voting rights. I suspect that Anwar is afraid of Azmin and being his secretary that goes back ages, maybe Azmin has got him by the short and curlies. That’s my suspicion! So PKR is very much Azmin’s party and Anwar is only the showpiece. Hey, what do I know? After all I am a simpleminded Malaysian who always go by the notion of “ada udang disebalik batu”.

So what if the man in the video is actually Anwar? We all know that in Malaysia, it doesn’t quite matter if you publicly announce that you are the man acting in a dirty movie. You can still helm a political party and be a coalition partner in the government. This brings to mind the slogan of “Malaysia Boleh”. So far as I see, the Chinese have lost faith in MCA and the only decent president that they have, they got rid of him. How is that possible if not for those holding power in the party? So it’s only logical that the observer conclude that the party has been infected and overrun by “diseased” people in the right position. The way I see it, Tee Kiat was a blessing and could have saved the party but instead they slew him politically. It’s their own undoing which would be a detriment to the party. The Chinese are shrewd and somehow share strong bondage.

What about the Indians? Do you think they’ll support MIC? I strongly doubt so simply because they have expressed their dissatisfaction only very recently and the wounds have yet to heal. Samy is still alive and kicking! The party wasn’t overtaken by its own opposition. So, as far as the Indians are concerned, it would be a simple “out of the frying pan into the fire”.

As for the Independents who leapt higher than frogs, they are as good as goners. Only the fellow we all know as Ibrahim Ali will still prevail. He enjoys being an Independent because he’s more powerful when he is one.

Therefore the parties that will gain in strength would be PAS. Hey, that was why UMNO was courting them only very recently but I doubt those in PAS would sell out to the “devil” unless they are going to call the shots. The Malays will go to PAS. At the end of the day, they share a common bond in Islam and PAS has shown that their party don’t house “frogs of wealth”. We must not forget that a vast number of Malays are quite disillusioned with UMNO. Many will go to PAS!

DAP will get stronger too. They and PAS would win more seats at the expense of the other alternatives. They will get more Chinese and multi-racial support.

And what is all this hammering of RPK just because he appeared in the TV3 interview? Hell, he has done more than most other people that I know of in exposing nonsense that’s happening in our country. He loves to be heard and TV3 was an opportunity.

Maybe RPK acted hastily without thinking that his comments could be easily doctored. Or just maybe the temptation was too great. Who knows? But I for one don’t suspect that it was a sellout. Conspiracy theories are endless which can be the product of brilliant minds or distorted minds but nevertheless they are conspiracy theories.

Maybe he might run as a candidate in future but it would be based on years of hard work and not cronyism or cunning opportunism. He might not be a saint but still his efforts are not diabolical. Whatever he may be, he has balls of steel which is more than most of us. He knows a great deal that has been hidden from us. At least these days the government is actually responding to MT and MT is a free platform for our voices to be heard. Isn’t this a small part of democracy?
