Tun Dr M2 stop being a statement but be a Statesman

Should not a seasoned and ex-Premier be someone who can counsel, give direction and uphold the entire citizenry with words of wisdom and show the middle path to co-existence?

By J. D. Lovrenciear


It is indeed a wounding, bleeding pain to keep reading Malaysia’s former Prime Minister’s statements in the media. Despite hundreds of protest comments against him, he does not seem to get the message loud and clear.

His latest comment or statements in relation to DAP’s win in the Sarawak election is seriously shocking. And the outpour of anti-Mahathir reactions is therefore understandable although the foul choice of words in several instances cannot be supported.

How could an elder Statesman speak with such divisive, annihilating sentiments or viewpoint? Is not a Statesman one who brings people together even when there is a rift between them?

Should not a seasoned and ex-Premier be someone who can counsel, give direction and uphold the entire citizenry with words of wisdom and show the middle path to co-existence?

Should a politician who had the population’s benefit of doubt and rode on the pinnacle of power for two long decades now not return that trust and support with greater democracy, civil liberties and peace and progress beyond racial and religious parameters?

Why is the Tun working people up rubbing them in the reverse and splitting Malaysians like this? Is DAP a communist insurgency entity? Illegal? Against the law of order and decency? If so, what was the Tun doing all those years he was in power? Why did he not wipe it clean like what the Tunku did to the Malayan Communist Party then?

Why does the Tun insult and spit on the faces of gentlemen individuals who are non-Chinese but are working for and with the DAP at the echelon level? Does he have no regard, respect and honour for others?

Did not our parents teach us early in our lives that if we spit in the sky, that sputum is bound to splash back on our own face?

And so concerned Malaysians are asking you that if you say DAP is bad, then how good is UMNO and BN? Are not the BN line-up a race based formula where UMNO takes care of Malays, MCA cares for Chinese and MIC for Indians only?

Did not your UMNO rallies and General Assemblies have keris swaggering and cries for blood and crushed bodies? Does PERKASA not ride on preferential racial benefits and rights? Your very first double-edged sword publication, ‘The Malay Dilemma’ not one that is pure racism?

But look at DAP. It has Chinese, Malays and Indians within its fold. Now how can you fault them and in the process drag a neighbouring country into the mud as well? Which Statesman in the world speaks like how you do along such base and vile parameters of race and religion divisiveness in this contemporary world of globalization? Tell us Tun.

Please Tun Dr M2, do all Malaysians a favour and help us in our efforts as we join the world to make this place a better place for our children’s children. Please say something that makes us all Malaysians really proud of you, proud of the nation and proud of each other.

Please Tun, stop your ranting by making irresponsible statements. Be a Statesman and teach Malaysians that sharing is not about the “giving up” of one’s  share. That concept belongs to the Dark Ages. Sharing, if we may enlighten you, is all about partaking; one is happy to share what he or she has with another who does not and in the process there is a mutual gain of honour, respect and goodwill. So please dump your Robin Hood version of sharing that is clearly barricaded by race-politics.

A Statesman is one who brings his citizens to a higher and new plateau of well being, progressive peace and learned wisdom.

Perhaps we should all hold nationwide prayer vigils with the hope that the Tun will have some remorse of conscience and be bestowed with wisdom that can light up our path of political cloud. If all else fails then perhaps the citizens will have to count on the ISA that you shielded, to have justice for all Malaysians. Pray it will not come to that however.

