The opposition media lies as well

Note that the PAS President said: “the one spun by the media with regards to his statutory declaration”. Then note what Wong Choon Mei said what Hadi Awang allegedly said, which is not at all what he said.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was what the President of PAS, Ustaz Haji Abdul Hadi Awang, said, as reported by their party newspaper, Harakah:

Issues related to Raja Petra such as the one spun by the media with regards to his statutory declaration, will be futile to be commented upon by PAS. It is a waste of time to respond to such things. (Read more here: or see the video recording here:

And this was what Wong Choon Mei of Malaysia Chronicle, Tian Chua’s mistress, said:

PAS president Hadi Awang said it was a waste of time to comment on the shenanigans of blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, who just days before the Sarawak balloting on April 16 appeared in a recorded TV interview, telling the nation that people close to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Kelantan prince Tengku Razaleigh were responsible for the smearing of Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife in the Altantuya murder case.

(Read more here:

Note that the PAS President said: “the one spun by the media with regards to his statutory declaration”. Then note what Wong Choon Mei said what Hadi Awang allegedly said, which is not at all what he said.

So, yes, there is a lot of spinning in the media. But it is not only the pro-government media that spins. It appears like the opposition media does it as well.

And this is what PeacefulMalaysia @ Edwindas commented in Malaysia Today:

I have resigned to the fact that “YOU CAN’T TRUST A MALAY”
They are cheap and they will sell their MOTHER for MONEY not ALLAH

And when the Umno people say that the Chinese and Indians are racists, they get very angry. But do postings by people like PeacefulMalaysia @ Edwindas help? Or is PeacefulMalaysia @ Edwindas an Umno Cybertrooper who is trying to create friction between the Malays and non-Malays? It could be.
