Time for a Malaysia Report

By Ex Poh Say, The Malaysian Insider

I think someone or group should start a Malaysia Report to bring to light corruption among the elite in the whole country.

The Sarawak Report did a good job in exposing Taib Mahmud and letting Malaysians see the extent of his alleged abuse of power, cronyism and wealth. The portal also for the first time exposed how Sarawak is being raped by those entrusted to look after the state.

Kudos to the people behind it but should we just stop with a Sarawak Report? I think someone or group should start a Malaysia Report to bring to light corruption among the elite in the whole country.

For example, the wealth of all ministers, their wives, their children and nominees should be listed down. I propose that pictures of their homes in Malaysia and abroad be posted on the website.

In this way, the rakyat can be the check and balance against corruption, cronyism and nepotism. The police and the MACC cannot be relied on to keep our ministers, royalty and corporate elite honest.

The MACC is only capable of investigating small cases and will have to get the okay from the Attorney-General’s Chambers before going after any big fish. Not too long ago, a former senior police officer accused Gani Patail of not giving police the green light to get Rahim Thamby Chik for corruption.

Given that this was a serious allegation and Gani Patail met the cop’s accusation with silence, it must be true.

So, with the MACC impotent and police busy catching porn video peddlers, it is down to you and me to expose the rot in this country.

For example, a minister’s official salary can put up against his assets, his wife/wives assets, his brother’s property, etc. Which businessmen are close to him and how many times a year this businessman has feted the minister on overseas holidays.

Let’s get real, there is daylight robbery going on all around us. The same people who are telling us to invest in this country are buying loads of overseas properties on a salary of under RM20,000 a month.

Heck, on their salary scale, there is no way they can afford sending their children to public school in UK or Garden International School here. Oh, and by the way, former prime ministers and family members should not be exempted from having their lifestyles and wealth scrutinised.

The objective of something like the Sarawak Report is to expose the crooks among us and punish them at elections. Alternatively, it is to “persuade” the elite to end their days of robbery.


