Cakap cakap…Loyalty to each other

What Petra said or did not say at that TV3 session, what he inferred was said by DSAI and Din Merican’s involvement in the whole matter, please let it not distract you from the facts as we know them about the Altantuya murder

By steadyaku47

From my heart….with my heart, I ask that those who are with Pakatan Rakyat, with DSAI, with RPK, with MCLM … all of you that are not with Barisan Nasional … please remain focused on what we need to do: 
Our work to rid ourself and our country of this 
plague that we call Barisan Nasional.

We need to do this so that we, our children and our children’s children will have a better and more decent life than the one we are now living. We want an open and responsible government in place of Barisan Nasional.
Pakatan Rakyat, DSAI, RPK, MCLM you or me cannot do this without help from each other. Stay within our ranks. Stay together. Say what you want of Barisan Nasional but they know that their survival depends on them being together. The reality is that even evil can draw men together!  
All the snippets of information, loose talk, pieces of news and shreds of lies and half truths that passes for the truth flying around through the electronic media, the local media and being discussed over teh tarik and roti chanai in the mamak stalls and over Caffe Latte and Espresso at Gloria Jeans and what have you are just Rojak and Ice Kachang. A jumble of ingredients that somehow manages to please you in the tasting but does nothing for your good health (with apologies to those who make a living from Rojak and Ice Kachang!) Please keep your focus on the task ahead.
What Petra said or did not say at that TV3 session, what he inferred was said by DSAI and Din Merican’s involvement in the whole matter, please let it not distract you from the facts as we know them about the Altantuya murder. And these are the facts:
Altantuya was shot twice in the head and her body blown to bits using C4 explosives. Explosives that is used by the Military in Malaysia.
Two UTK operatives of Najibs security detail were sentenced to death by the Shah Alam High Court for the murder. The two will be taken to a place of execution where they will be hanged by their neck until they are dead – as the High Court Judge puts it.
Why these two UTK operatives would want to murder Altantuya whom they have never met or know is yet to be determined.
Why did Datuk Seri Najib sms Razak Baginda
“I am seeing IGP at 11 A.M. today …. matter will be solved … be cool”
Why did Najib messaged Shafee (Razak’s Lawyer) 
“Pls do not say anything to the press today. i will explain later. RB will have to face a tentative charge but all is not lost.”

And never lose sight of the fact that RM$500 million was paid for services rendered in the purchase of submarines from the French for the Malaysian Navy to Razak Baginda – what were the services rendered that had cost our nation RM$500 million? 

Those are the facts that till today have not been satisfactorily explained to the people of Malaysia by the Courts, by Razak Baginda nor by the sender of that sms – our Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak.
The two convicted murderers are awaiting execution and their death will conveniently close one chapter of this sordid tale. Razak Baginda left for London shortly after the trial and has not been back in Malaysia since for reasons best known to him. Datuk Seri Najib is now the Prime Minister of Malaysia. It would look like everything has been resolved and all the dirt swept away…but the devil are in the details.
Everything has been tidied up and yet the dirt, filth and sleaze over the murder of Atantuya is still hovering over Najib and Barisan Nasional. Questions of deceit, greed, corruption, abuse of executive power of those holding public office in government and murder most foul clings overpoweringly to the person of our Prime Minister and  Barisan Nasional. It will not go away. Anywhere our Prime Minister goes, whatever he does Altantuya continues to hound him 24/7. And now Petra, for his own reason, chooses to resurrect Altantuya again.   
