cakap cakap..nonsensical nonsense of the sexual kind.

Did he wrote the open letter because he was worried that no action would be taken by the authorities (read Barisan Nasional government here!)? Mustahil/Not possible! This is another sex tape that is alleged to involve involving DSAI. And anything adverse concerning DSAI goes straight into Najib’s “IN” tray. 

By steadyaku47

Another alleged sex tape of Anwar in 1999, says ex-cop
KUALA LUMPUR, April 21 — A retired senior police officer has said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was linked to a sex video in 1999, and is asking for an investigation to uncover any connection with similar allegations last month.

Former KL CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim wrote about his suspicions in an open letter to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar this week, saying he had investigated the first case 12 years ago.
Steadyaku47 comment:
Why would a retired senior police officer write an open letter to the IGP about another alleged sex tape involving DSAI? First thing first. Let us look at two items relevant to this issue: Retire and Open Letter 

re·tired/riˈtīī(ə)rd/Adjective : Having left one’s job and ceased to work.
Open letter: An open letter is a letter that is intended to be read by a wide audience, or a letter intended for an individual, but that is nonetheless widely distributed intentionally Open letters usually take the form of a letter addressed to an individual but provided to the public through newspapersletter to the editor or blog. Especially common are critical open letters addressed to political leaders. and other media, such as a letter to the editor or blog. Especially common are critical open letters addressed to political leaders.

This is not an officer still serving within PDRM who is going slow slow with his duties but one who has actually left the service, retired and still wants to do his duty to Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara. So far so good. Now comes the tricky bit.
The “open letter” to the IGP. Did he wrote the open letter because he was worried that no action would be taken by the authorities (read Barisan Nasional government here!)? Mustahil/Not possible! This is another sex tape that is alleged to involve involving DSAI. And anything adverse concerning DSAI goes straight into Najib’s “IN” tray.
