DIGP: Raja Petra summoned to M’sian embassy at Bukit Aman’s request

(The Star) – Police have confirmed that Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin have been called to give a statement at the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok at Bukit Aman’s request.

Deputy IGP Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said the statement was needed in connection with a report lodged by NGO Jaringan Melayu Malaysia on April 14 over the 2008 statutory declaration made by Raja Petra over the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case

He also said Raja Petra would not be detained after he had given the statement.

“Police found out that he would be in Bangkok and requested that he be at the embassy to have his statement recorded to assist in the investigations.

“Raja Petra said he is willing to meet the police,” Khalid said.

Raja Petra, who is Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) chairman, and MCLM president Haris Ibrahim are currently giving a talk to Malaysians in Thailand.

According to Malaysia Today, a Malaysian official approached Raja Petra just before the start of the event to inform him that he was required to go to the embassy immediately after the talk.

He is not under arrest as of now, said Haris.

On Friday, another Blogger, Din Merican, was summoned to Bukit Aman and was interrogated by the police for three hours from 3.00-6.00pm.

The police wanted to know about his relationship with Raja Petra and about Raja Petra’s recent TV3 interview.

