Call For Boycott Of Utusan A Desperate Move: Perak Perkasa

(Bernama) – LUMUT -– Perak Perkasa (Pertubuhan Peribumi Perkasa ) has regarded the call by certain MCA leaders for a boycott of Utusan Malaysia as a desperate move to garner support for themselves.

Its chief Ahmad Zaini said the leaders who had been harsh in hitting out at the newspaper were among those who were no longer accepted by the Chinese community itself.

“They are now trying various ways including playing up sensitive issues without considering the long-established camaraderie among the Barisan Nasional components, to regain support from the Chinese community.

“There’s no need to pay attention to their call as they themselves are no longer acceptable in the eyes of the Chinese community,” he said in response to the call by MCA for the people to boycott Utusan Malaysia for proposing the “1Malay 1Bumi” concept, which the party has regarded as legitimising racial discrimination.

MCA deputy publicity chief Loh Seng Kok said the concept mooted by the newspaper was aimed at punishing the Chinese for exercising their democratic rights during the elections.
Ahmad said while the call by such leaders should be ignored, recognition should be given to those who were still loyal to the BN concept, as leaders who could fight for the Chinese community’s interest.

He said Perak Perkasa also wanted Umno, as the main pillar of BN, to advise leaders of the component parties, especially MCA and Gerakan, not to continue playing up sensitive issues that touched on Malay rights, openly.

“Why the need to discuss these issues openly through the media and not behind closed doors at the BN meetings? Doesn’t this indicate that there’s a hidden agenda?” he said.

