SNAP non-committal to merger proposal from DAP

By Vanes Devindran, The Star

KUCHING: SNAP is hesitant over DAP’s proposal for a merger given it is still smarting from the lack of cooperation received from Pakatan Rakyat during the state polls.

SNAP secretary-general Stanley Jugol said the bad experience’ the party went through after nomination day when it was completely “deleted” from PR was enough to make SNAP wary about DAP’s offer.

“Although there was no official word, why kick us out? We honoured DAP by not fielding candidates in the seats it wanted to contest in but no cooperation was extended to our side,” he told Star Sarawak on Saturday.

He said he believed DAP wants the merger because the party had achieved its maximum capability in Sarawak and was now looking to SNAP to help increase its mileage in the Dayak seats.

He was quick to add that SNAP was not rejecting DAP’s proposal but wanted to take things slow.

“This is not a decision that can be reached overnight. One of the phrase Kit Siang (DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang) used was it wanted to infuse’ Dayak supporters into DAP and this is a good idea,” he said.
