Yes, PM, Let’s really send Altantuya’s murderers to hell, shall we?

By donplaypuks

These are the INDISPUTABLE facts as we know them. So let’s stick to them, i.e. the FACTS.

1. Sometime after 2000 when Najib Tun Razak (now Prime Minister) was re-appointed Defence Minister, the Malaysian Government/Ministry of Defence awarded a contract for the purchase of 2 Scorpene Class Submarines to French DCNS naval shipbuilders, through Armaris in partnership with Navantia of Spain, both state owned companies.
2. The cost of the contract which has now been fulfilled, is estimated at RM6.7 billion (exchange rate 1 Euro=RM5) as follows:
  • Submarines-Euro 969,000,000                                               =RM4,845,000,000
  • Missiles etc-Euro 257,000,000                                               =RM1,270.000,000
  • Co-ordination & Support Service Fees Euro114,000,000  =RM   570,000,000 
3. The co-ordination and support service fees were paid to Perimekar S/B, a Malaysian company originally owned and controlled by Razak Baginda and his wife, magistrate Mazalinda through Ombak Laut S/B, and which was subsequently divested to Boustead Holdings Bhd Plc (BHB). Baginda was head of a Government sponsored think-tank and a close advisor and friend of Najib. The Government, MINDEF, Navy and a Public Accounts Committeeinquiry have determined that all proper Government procurement rules, regulations and procedures were adhered to in the award of the contract to Baginda and that it was NOT a Commission.
4. Perimekar was only incorporated in 2001 shortly before the submarine contract was finalised.
5. It is now claimed by some parties that the fees were paid to Perimekar by the Malaysian Government and not by DCNS.
6. The cost of the submarines does not include an annual maintenance contract of RM50 million for 10 years recently awarded to BousteadDCNS, a subsidiary of BHB OR a 20-year escape, search and rescue contract estimated at RM100 million per year i.e. RM 2 billion over 20 years!
7. Allegations about Perimekar and Boustead’s qualification and ability to undertake and perform these massive contracts have been questioned as a sham arrangement by Joseph Breham from a team of French lawyers, as well as by French MP’s and politicians who have filed an inquiry with French courts over charges that DCNS indulged in bribery and paid out huge (illegal) kickbacks routinely in such submarine construction and sales contracts.CLICK HERE . DCNS has been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for such irregularities in Taiwan, Pakistan and USA.
8. In 2006 the remains of a Mongolian national, ex-model and translator, Altantuya Shaarribuu, were found in a forest in Shah Alam, Selangor. She had apparently been shot through the head and her body blown up with plastic C4 explosives.
9. Following police investigations, Razak Baginda and two others, Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30, and Corporal Sirul Azahar Umar,35, from the Unit Tindakan Khas or Malaysian Special Action Force Counter Terrorism Unit, were charged with Altantuya’s murder. Azilah and Sirul had both been assigned to PM Najib’s (deputy PM at the time of the murder) office as his bodyguards.
10. Testimony in court revealed that Altantuya had accompanied Baginda on several trips to France, had an affair with him and arrived in KL demanding US$500,000 from Baginda or threatened to tell all. Baginda was harassed at his home and office by Altantuya and her sisters.
11. Aide-De-Camp to PM Najib, Musa Safri was apparently the officer who had called the three cops who carted Altantuya away in their squad car from outside Razak Baginda’s home.
10. Spotted also outside the gates of Baginda’s house in his car shortly before Altantuya left in the company of Azilah, Sirul and Lance Corporal Rohaniza (Sirul’s lover) was Nasir Safar, a long-time special aide to Najib Razak who in 2010 was forced to resign his post (although to his credit he issued an apology) after making a racist speech about Indians coming to Malaysia as beggars and the Chinese, especially the women, coming here to sell their bodies.
12.  At the trial which stretched from June 2007 to April 2009, the following were determined:
  • Azilah testified that it was Musa Safri who asked him to contact Baginda to help him out with a “problem.”
  • Sirul’s confession that he and Azilah were offered RM100,000 to “take care” of Altantuya and other revelations were not allowed to be admitted into evidence by the presiding judge. Neither Azilah nor Azilah testified as to who made the offer to them.
  •  Azilah and Sirul maintained till the end they did not kill Altantuya.
  • Altantuya’s sister had testified that records of their visit to Malaysia had been erased by Malaysian Immigration and she had seen a photograph of PM Najib, Razak, Altantuya and others having lunch in Paris. PM Najib subsequently took an Islamic oath that he had never met Altantuya personally.
  • Razak Baginda, whose lawyer read out an opening statement in which Baginda admitted to the affair with Altantuya, claimed he did not order Altantuya’s murder or have anything to do with it. During a break in the hearing, Baginda had gone berserk shouting ‘Die Pak Lah (M’sian PM up to April 2009) fuelling speculation that some sort of deal was being worked out behind the scenes.
  • Baginda was found innocent and acquitted of all charges without his defence being called.
  •  Azilah and Sirul were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. The matter is still pending finality as their appeals against conviction have not been heard.

