News Reporting Turning Into Trouble Making?

A Little Taffer’s Room

It’s nice to have Pete to account things straight away on his yesterday’s Bangkok drama in regards to why Bukit Aman wanted to take a statement over his TV3 interview. According to most sources, the police were in Bangkok because there was a police report made against him in accordance to Section 203 over alleged false statement made in TV3 interview.
A much further explanation revealed that the police report made was made base on the Utusan report that was related to the TV3 interview. Whoever reported this had made several conclusions, proven to be inaccurate as what Utusan had wrote. This is the only logical conclusion that is made base on the turn of events that is happening right now. 
This is what Pete had said in regards to Utusan:

My lawyers demanded to know what the whole thing is about. ACP Aziz appeared evasive and said that it is about my statement. “Which statement?” my lawyers asked, and they were told it is about the Utusan Malaysia report.

It seems Utusan Malaysia carried a news report on my TV3 interview and a police report had been made by someone relating to this Utusan Malaysia report. So it was not about my June 2008 SD. It was also not about my TV3 interview. It was about the Utusan Malaysia news report.

My lawyers then asked under which section of the law they are taking my statement. The police said it is under Section 203.

This is not the only thing that Utusan has stirred up in the last few days or so. Mid-week, Utusan, from the weekly column by Zaini Hassan, has called for the 1Bumi, 1Melayu thing that Perkasa was so glad to take it up that it was willing to go ahead disregarding of any other parties who disagreed with it. Of course, fearing another possible racial spillover, Dr. M had to come in and say no, even Najib has to come in and do the damage control by saying it’s Utusan’s personal opinion.
To this day, Perkasa and even some UMNO hardline people would tell MCA to shut up and toe the line. Do you notice that MCA is now class 2 party instead of same class 1 as once it was?
Notice these pieces to see for themselves:


