RPK Statement Must Include In Investigation Paper, Says Ghani Patail

(Bernama) — Police probing blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin must include a statement from him in their investigation papers, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail said today.

He was responding to reporters asking him to comment on the investigation on Raja Petra Kamarudin, also known as RPK, who allegedly gave false information on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

“I do not know yet what the investigation is exactly about. I can only comment after police hand over the investigation papers,” he told reporters here.

In any case, a statement from Raja Petra must be included in the papers since he was the subject of the investigation, Abdul Ghani said.

Bernama reported yesterday that RPK was being investigated under Section 203 of the Penal Code for allegedly giving false information in connection with his statutory declaration linking Najib and Rosmah to the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibu four years ago.

Raja Petra has since denied implicating Najib and his wife in the murder.

Meanwhile, police said that they had not taken any statement from RPK although they met him in Bangkok recently.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Datuk Kalid Abu Bakar said that police officers met RPK at the hotel where he was staying.

He said that his men could only interview Malaysians within the embassy.

They were thus constrained and the meeting with Raja Petra was “ordinary”.

“At the time, RPK agreed to come to the embassy another day to give a statement,” he told reporters.

He said that Raja Petra was at first willing to cooperate with the police but “suddenly changed his mind for one reason or another,” he said.

“We are still discussing with RPK for him to give an explanation on the case.”

