When Politicians Talked Stupid

Hantu Laut

Politicians, their skin’s moisture varies according to the political climate and their political sentiments changed according to the level of mercury, the hotter it is, the more mercurial they are, juggling political innuendos, similes and looming nemesis of their political rivals, even if pigs could fly and no matter how absurd the prophecies are.

Pantai Manis Assemblyman and former minister in the Sabah State cabinet said there is no doubt Sabah has progressed a lot under the UMNO-led BN government but casual observation show signs that caused unrest in the Middle East can be found in Sabah.He may be disappointed the genie with the magic lamp may not grant his wishes and emotional prediction.

Rahim, other than a dime, a dozen of UMNO leaders in Sabah, has ambition to be chief minister of Sabah.Having fallen out with Chief Minister Musa Aman he was dropped from the state cabinet after the March 2008 General Elections.

Desperation, can be one’s own worst political enemy. Anwar Ibrahim had made the same comparison of this beloved country, hoping for the Middle East contagion to reach Malaysia, so Malaysians can get the people’s power epidemic to help him topple the government. He must be very disappointed as the genie with the magic lamp did not grant him his wish too.

Even the abominable Raja Petra Kamarudin was more pragmatic in his opinion telling the world that such uprising would never happen in Malaysia.

Than you have a leader of a political party in Sabah joining Ibrahim Ali playing the race card but in a different spectrum.

The Deputy President of LDP Chin Sui Phin who is constantly at loggerhead with Chief Minister Musa Aman attacked Musa and blamed him for his party woes for not being given enough ministerial position after the resignation of Peter Pang from LDP who was appointed deputy chief minister when Raymond Tan of SUPP had to relinquish his post when SUPP pulled out of the BN.Chin has only one target, Musa Aman and it is rumoured that he is fighting a proxy war for someone else which he vehemently denied.

Chin should have himself to blame and is silly to expect better treatment from a man he has viciously attacked and now using the race card as an excuse to rattle the Najib’s administration to take action against Musa quoting Sarawak as an example of lost of Chinese support.Chin’s memory may be short of the truth and long on personal vendetta.

What happened in Sarawak is nothing new, the BN had lost majority Chinese support in the March 2008 General Elections under Badawi.The DAP won 28 parliamentary seats which is 13% of the total seats in parliament and took control of two states government, Penang and Perak.

DAP garnered more parliamentary seats than PAS getting only 23 seats. In PRU13, DAP, most likely would capture almost all Chinese seats wiping out almost the entire Chinese-based parties in BN. Knowing their days are numbered MCA and LDP are trying hard singing the Chinese song.

MCA, Gerakan,SUPP and LDP are all in dire straits.


