Why not ‘Malaysia Bersatu’ against DAP?

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Who says Melayu should not ‘bersatu’. Nothing’s wrong with Melayu Bersatu as suggested by some critics, including few fellow bloggers in support of Utusan’s deputy chief editor Zaini Hassan.

I personally would like to see my race be consolidated for good reasons – to uplift their economy, strengthening their political position and enhance their ability to compete healthily with others in all disciplines.

A united Malays would augur well in upholding their rights under the Constitution. But what will become of Umno should its merges with Pas and other Malay-based organisations. Will they agree to disband their respective movements and come under Umno or a new party? Going by the latter, it will lead to the demise of Umno.

It is good to go back to the spirit of 1946 when Umno was founded to oppose the Malayan Union proposed by the British Colonial Government. But then, the immigrants from China, India and other countries were not yet the citizens of the country. However, they are now.

The Malaysian Chinese and Indians are our citizens. They were born, brought up, studied and bred, and will die here. I dont know about any Malays who chose to die abroad apart from the Holy Land.

We have a bad history of racial turmoil when Malay chauvinists incited it in 1969. Everybody who had gone through it are those (witnesses and survivors who are still alive) who really understand the true meaning of social disharmony from the ugly episode. Undoubtedly, some of them are not.

There are Malays and Chinese who like playing heroes to their own community. The easy-going Malays of pre-Independence has long gone, and now comes a new generation trying to make a big turn back into the Malayan Union era, fighting for justice and rights.

The Chinese and Indians of pre-Independence and post-World War II were grateful people until some of them fought alongside the Koumintang and Communist Party of Malaya to ousted the British and take over the administration of Malaya. Yes, it is true that Chin Peng and Rashid Mydin were among invited guests to watch the Victory Parade in London after the Japanese surrendered in 1945 but when they went back to the jungle after Independence, they were no more ‘heroes’ (as described by some quarters).

Now, what is wrong with a united Chinese or a united Indians? Nothing is wrong if Umno and Pas are to merge as they used to be together before going separate ways. But is there anything wrong for MCA to merge with its ‘once a splinter group’ Gerakan and PAP-clone DAP?

To me, yes and no. Yes to MCA-Gerakan merger but no to MCA-Gerakan-DAP. Why? The Malays are represented only in Umno and Pas. PKR is not a Malay party, it is multi-races. But still, is it wrong to have a multi-races party?

DAP cannot become a part of China Bersatu. MCA and Gerakan (there are few Malays with it) adopt a more liberal political approach in the context of recognising the rights and interest of the Malays. Similarly, Umno too upholds the rights of the non-Malays in the country.

DAP is not. DAP plans to rule the country and turn it into another Singapore, just like PAP’s Lee Kuan Yew. Two years within Malaysia in 1963-65, LKY and his Singaporean Chinese had plans to take over Malaysia’ administration from the Perikatan (now Barisan Nasional) multi-racial pact.


