Sarawakians could die laughing

By Patrick Lee, Free Malaysia Today

Many Sarawakians are in stitches over PBB’s suggestion that they are willing to die for their Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud.

Borneo Research Institute (Brimas) director Mark Bujang laughed when he heard of the claim, made by PBB Supreme Council member Idris Buang.

“Most Sarawakians are dying to see Taib step down,” Bujang snickered.

Idris, in response to wide ranging criticism of Taib, said in an interview yesterday that “many Sarawakians are willing to die for him because of the good he has done for Sarawak and the nation as a whole.”

He said Taib was “the best chief minister Sarawak has ever had” and that the criticisms only hurt the state’s Bumiputera communities.

Bujang disagreed, saying many saw Taib as a liability to both the state and federal governments. “I don’t think anyone is willing to die for him.”

Many FMT readers were also tickled by Idris’s statement, and some denounced him as a bootlicker.

Reader Kchingite commented: “Mate, nobody wants to see you wank Pek Moh (a nickname for Taib) in public.”

Another commentator, Layar Guy, said: “Idris Buang needs to show his ‘apple polish’ because he wanted to stand in as Kota Samarahan MP replacement for Sulaiman Taib.”


Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian, however, displayed more bewilderment than mirth.

Speaking to FMT, Bian said: “That’s what he said? I’m very surprised. Very surprised that he can make this kind of statement.”

He said many natives in the Sarawakian interior did not have a high regard for Taib and might resent Idris for his presumption.

According to him, the natives see Taib as someone who has robbed them of their rights.



