Stop fanning racial flame, Soi Lek warns opposition

(The Star) – MALACCA: MCA has lambasted Opposition parties, especially DAP, for playing up racial issues detrimental to a multi-racial nation like Malaysia.

Its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said DAP leaders were fond of exploiting race issues to win the support of the Chinese community.

“They (Opposition) employ an absurd strategy to garner support from the people without considering the repercussions that could arise when delving into racial issues,” he said after chairing its presidential council meeting at a resort in Ayer Keroh here, yesterday.

Citing a recent development, Dr Chua said his online posting about meeting Facebook fans in Johor Baru was taken out of context by DAP leaders.

He said during the meeting, one of his Facebook fans questioned why MCA made lackadaisical efforts to abolish Malay or Bumiputra special privileges and ensure there is equality and fairness to all Malaysians.

Dr Chua said he replied that these (Bumiputra) privileges are entrenched in the country’s constitution while the Rulers Council also had a say in such matters.

“Furthermore, I put it to my Facebook fan that MCA has no intention to lobby for such privileges to be abolished as it was deemed a very sensitive issue.

“However, DAP deliberately picked that one issue out of over 100,000 postings on my Facebook page, with the intention of portraying MCA as not championing the needs of the Chinese,” he said.
