The Real Deal Chinese Running Dog

My dear Malaysian Chinese, the man who is purported to be the leader of your voice in the BN government is telling you that you are a 2nd class citizen in this country and live with it. I am not sure what the true fights of MCA really are but improving your socio-economic standings isn’t on MCA’s to-do list because you have to accept ‘the political realities in the country’.

By Simon Templar

I cannot imagine how Chua Soi Lek can walk the streets of Malaysia without being showered in Chinese spit. This person is the ultimate traitor to all Malaysians of Chinese ancestry. A man who sells his kind just to please his political master, Dark Lord UMNO. The only reason that he is still dry must be that Malaysian Chinese have dropped that bad habit which is almost a national culture of mainland China.

Hey wait a minute. But I see plenty of spitting at bah kut teh outlets, hokkien mee stalls, kopitiams. So why is Chua Soi Lek not covered in spit? He deserves every milliliter of it.

What’s with the jibe at PKR to call for the removal of Malay special rights and privileges? Wait. Got to hold my thoughts first. Ummm… Why isn’t Chua Soi Lek detained under ISA for questioning the special rights and privileges of Malays in this country? The fact that he says that he is willing to vote PKR if PKR removes Malay rights and privileges means that he, Chua Soi Lek, is against Malays special rights and privileges right? Else why will he vote for a party who supports the move. Plus he outright calls (instigating, not?) for someone to take up the task to remove the rights and privileges of the Malays; and he will support that move. Hah! Kena tangkap basah! Sham… Tolong sign detention order. Kasi tangkap sama Cina ni. Kasi buang bahlul ni kat Kamunting.

Ok what was it that I was gonna say…

In his video (the MCA TV video that it, not the other one *wink* *wink*), he said (actually I read the sub-title) ‘so you can have your hope but the hope should be based on the political realities in the country’. What is Dr. (How-He-Got-His-Doctorate?) Chua Soi Lek trying to tell us? Is he saying that the hopes of changes that Pakatan Rakyat are giving to the Chinese of Malaysia cannot materialize because Malaysia is a Malay dominant country? He added that ‘no other race will cancel their rights and privileges’. He surely meant so.

My dear Malaysian Chinese, the man who is purported to be the leader of your voice in the BN government is telling you that you are a 2nd class citizen in this country and live with it. I am not sure what the true fights of MCA really are but improving your socio-economic standings isn’t on MCA’s to-do list because you have to accept ‘the political realities in the country’. So what is it that MCA is fighting for on behalf on the Malaysian Chinese? To preserve the status as 2nd class citizens and to prevent a fall down to a 3rd class level along with the localised Indonesian and Bangladeshis? Is that so Chua Soi Lek?

It is beginning to look clearer now as to why MCA has not done anything for Malaysian Chinese for the pass 54 years although they claim to be the champion of Chinese rights and the protector of Chinese interests in Malaysia. Alas, the truth is out. Malaysian Chinese should not harbour any hopes of being treated as equals in this country. You should not be asking for additional places in national universities more than what has been donated to you on the graciousness of the UMNO government. Please accept that you will forever not be able to obtain direct government contracts but by way of being sub-cons to Malay cronies of UMNO. And whatever other grouses you have, please shaft it up ‘there’, live a pent-up life, and take it to your grave. Or your little urn should your kins decide to have you cremated.

MCA says that this is the reality. Please don’t be fooled into believing that an improvement is at the end of the tunnel because it is all cakap-cakap tipu Anwar. Lies because the ‘reality’ does not allow for any form of changes he says.

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