Call Whatever You like

I can’t stop thinking after watching the videos, hearing and reading rubbish, day and night in the media that bring nothing good for the people. Yet they claim its all for the rakyat.

It ‘s politicians themselves who misbehave. 

By Amde Sidik

The person who glorified Malaysia in the eyes of the world–short spell of course, is in fact the same person that made Malaysia looks ugly today- no other than Mahathir Muhammad. His era was ruled by iron fist, but Malaysians in general tolerated it, with the hope his replacement could rectify the mistakes later. That would the thinking in those days.

Sacking Salleh Abas the Lord President, creating arbitrary law-a rotation for Sabah’s Chief Ministers, he despised the Sultans of the country now he allows PERKASA –his brain child poisons the mind of simple people, imprisoning Anwar Ibrahim, said, Anwar ‘punched himself’’ in prison, those are among the blunders Mahathir created.

Looking at the Malaysia Political trend, see Datuk T, the correct correct incident, the sudden death reoccurred at the same building, so on and so forth.

In the eyes of apolitical Malaysians, even if BN government is replaced by the federal opposition government Malaysian political scenario is not going to be any better but dirty, mud slugging, sex scandal, biased functioning of many public institutions favouring those who hold power.  After all about 80% politicians found in opposition were graduated from the  ’Old political Institution’.

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