In The Evening News

No MCA representative? Who cares??

By  ViewAct


Dear Malaysia Today,

Good evening to you, and may RPK be well, healthy and happy always. Hope YM RPK will be kept that way all the time, and hope he will be able to fend off any attacks from UMNO, in any way, always ….

I was just watching the TV a moment ago and came across news where our PM and DPM informed the people that if MCA loses badly again in the next GE, they may not get any ministerial posts anymore. Also, the news reported that they are urging PAS to abandon Pakatan because Pakatan does not have the same dream as them (PAS), which is to create an Islamic country. Our DPM is recorded to have said that Pakatan does not have clear guidelines.

I would really like to ask Mr. PM and DPM a few questions personally, but I’m sure this would be my last email should I really reveal myself.

1)      MCA is clearly losing support from the rakyat. Instead of finding out why, you are threatening us that WE WILL NOT GET A REPRESENTATIVE FROM MCA IF WE DON’T VOTE THEM. DO YOU MEAN THAT WE SHOULD STILL VOTE FOR THEM EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE INCAPABLE??? JUST FOR THE SAKE OF A CHINESE MINISTER???

2)      Have you ever wondered why MCA is losing support? Instead of asking MCA, you are blaming the rakyat! I am amazed at how your brain works. Maybe a scientist should dissect them to study it one day, just to understand how it could work that way.

3)      Up until now, you are still insisting that this should be an Islamic country. Which literally means you want to AMEND Malaysia’s constitution and change it into a non-secular country.

4)      You are urging PAS. Why not urge DAP? As MCA is losing support while DAP is gaining it, it would be more logical to work towards the party that has more support. Aren’t you indicating then that you ARE STILL RACIST? That as long as you get enough Malay support, you can disregard any other race?

5)      Pakatan doesn’t have clear guidelines? What happens when they try? You will comment that it is a political gimmick!! Look at how you responded to Buku Jingga; look at how you responded to the alternative budget that Pakatan came up with; and look at how you attacked LGE, and supported people who attacked LGE when he was doing a good job in Penang. No guidelines? How about 53 years of
example of poor guidelines displayed by your party??

I agree with Mr. LGE’s view that this call sounds more like a threat. No MCA representative? Who cares?? What is the use of giving them a ministerial post if they are incapable? If they only care about enriching themselves? If they are merely lapdogs for UMNO and torture the Malaysian Chinese community?

BN-UMNO – They promised they’ll change, but have they?

Just screaming out my frustration over Malaysia’s politics ….

Best regards to Malaysia Today, YM RPK and his dear wife, and all Malaysians.
