Muhyiddin Describes PAS As ‘Strange Bedfellows’ In Pact

(Bernama) – MUAR — Muhyiddin Yassin has described PAS’ position in the Opposition Pact (PR) as a ‘strange bed partner’ because the party’s interests and objectives are vastly different from those of the other component parties in the pact.

The Deputy Prime Minister said PAS had to compromise with the DAP especially concerning the party’s original struggles to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state.

“Now, PAS has to compromise. If it mentions the matter (struggle to form Islamic state) the DAP will be upset. Karpal (Singh) had once said ‘over my dead body’ and this was repeated at the Sarawak state election. It’s an open confrontation (against PAS).

“Strange bed partner (PAS’ position in PR). So, there is no reason for PAS to remain (in the PR), it’s not sustainable. Our view from outside is that the situation (PAS in the PR) is not normal,” he said.

Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president, said this after opening the delegates meeting of the Youth, Wanita and Puteri wings of the Pagoh Umno division at the Dewan Sri Pekembar, here on Saturday.

He said this when commenting on the statement by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in Terengganu urging PAS to leave the opposition pact.

Muhyiddin disputed the PAS claim that the party’s struggles were clean, pointing out that the struggles of its coalition partner, Parti Keadilan Rakyat were tainted with the crisis of confidence faced by members of the party.

He recalled the situation during the Sarawak state election, when PAS was ignored by the other PR component parties when it campaigned on its own without getting any assistance from the PKR or DAP.

Umno, said the Deputy Prime Minister, always adopted an open attitude and stressed on the importance of Malay and Islamic solidarity.

“We struggle for the race, religion and country without ignoring the interests of the other faiths. It is important to forge Malay unity and we are open in terms of cooperation (with PAS) or even further than that,” he added.

