So Anwar is not PM material

Why do the opponents of Anwar Ibrahim – including all those on the payroll of the government, keep manipulating the breaking news in the fashion of the pre-launch teasers of a Hollywood blockbuster movie?

By J. D. Lovrenciear

Politicians including senior leaders from the BN have lashed out at Anwar Ibrahim. Some individuals even went to the extreme trouble to claim that they want to save all Malaysians from the jaws of a great sinner. Some even threatened to expose all the X-Files (read as Sex-Files) on Anwar. Some are prepared to proclaim before God that this man has sinned real bad and must be punished real bad too.

So then, if Anwar Ibrahim is a sinner then pray tell us who else is not a sinner of sorts?

Who is there among the long line of politicians who is not tainted with sin? Sin of corruption, sin of omission, sin of neglect, sin of abuse, sin of vested interest, sin of false accusation, any sin?

In all the great stories mankind has been reminded time and time again through the Holy Books of all the noble faiths, that if there is anyone who has not sinned, come forward and cast your stone on this sinner.

If a muslim has sinned then please by all means go by the adequate, justice-oriented Islamic laws that are there to mete out the appropriate punishment. There will be no protest.

But why do the opponents of Anwar Ibrahim – including all those on the payroll of the government, keep manipulating the breaking news in the fashion of the pre-launch teasers of a Hollywood blockbuster movie?

More importantly, even Tok Guru the revered and respected PAS leader stands by Anwar; even Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh of DAP who do not have a single dent on their past, stand by Anwar. And there are many more noble men and women who willingly stand behind this man.

Even foreigners have taken effort  in coming to the defence of this man. Why do they have to do that if not for the credibility of a man. Are we saying that these individuals who have such a positive following and reputation are prepared to lose their hard earned image and reputation so foolishly?

So in making Anwar seem like a maniac running wild, the opponents of Anwar have only made themselves cornered into an extremely vulnerable spot. The question is, why?

Maybe they are all convinced in the mantras of Tun Dr MM who always held that when you start repeating a lie too many times, it becomes a truth.

But are the leaders and their supporters so blind to the glaring fact that the public opinion on Anwar is only gaining more positive scores than negative dents? Do they not realize that not only are they in their all out war to annihilate Anwar, losing public support but they are also running down the dignity of this nation?

Let us for argument’s sake say that Anwar was a sinner and he owns up. But do not forget that a man is entitled for pardon on earth if he is sincere in his repentance. After all do not forget even BN has a row of leaders who seemingly repented from their sins and are back on their political saddles.

And on that same token, please do not insult the intelligence of the public. Voters can and will decide for themselves. There is no need for individuals to proclaim that they want to play the role of saviour to the rakyat.

Come to think of it, it is not the rakyat who are discounting the BN leaders. It is the leaders themselves who are doing it to themselves. So, if that is what they want, so be it. Carry on with the sin-slaying strategies.

