Bedroom romp: Nalla says 99% it’s Anwar

The opposition leader’s former tennis partner says he knows Anwar’s attitude well and adds that Mahathir was right in sacking him in 1998.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Malaysian Indian United Party (MIUP) president S Nallakarupan is almost certain that it was Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in the controversial sex video.

Speaking to FMT, the former confidant of Anwar said he was not surprised as he knew the politician well.

“I know him for 30 years. He cannot deny it’s not him.

“I have seen the video and I am 99.9% certain it is Anwar who is in the video. If it’s not him, why has he not sued ‘Datuk Trio’ for this?” he asked.

The MIUP president was Anwar’s former friend and tennis partner during the latter’s heydays in the ruling government.

However, he had a fallout with Anwar in 2007 during his stint in PKR, leading him to quit the party and form MIUP to back Barisan Nasional.

In March, several reporters were invited to Carcosa Seri Negara by a group of people calling themselves “Datuk Trio” to view a video allegedly showing Anwar’s sexual tyrst with a prostitute.

Later it was revealed that “Datuk Trio” were former Malacca chief minister Rahim Tamby Chik, former Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim and businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah.

On April 4, the first part of the sex clip, running nearly two minutes, was leaked online. The second part of the clip which runs for 1 minute 47 seconds was released last week.


