Malaysians are terrorized even till this day

In Malaysia, who does not barricade his or her house with padlocks, chains, security systems and what have you?

By J. D. Lovrenciear

The latest reported incident where a 13 year old girl was traumatised as robbers entered her home in Kemaman and robbed her of a mother, once again re-affirms that Malaysians are still being terrorized by robbers and thieves.
Those of us who have had the benefit of travelling around the world including our own regions will tell that it is not the same in those countries. Citizens there are free and do not worry about break-ins into their homes – let alone worrying about the gold ornaments and valuable handbags when they are out in the streets.
But in Malaysia, who does not barricade his or her house with padlocks, chains, security systems and what have you?
Do we not even grill and padlock the trap opening on the ceiling leading to the roof top? Do we not pay a premium to live in a ‘gated and guarded’ housing area?
Each time we step out into the street do we not hug our handbags tight? Each time we walk into a shopping mall do we not slip our hands into the trouser pocket just to make sure our wallet is still there?
Each time we return from work do we not check around the fencing and gates of our home to make sure no stranger is lurking in the vicinity, before we get off from the car to open the gate?
Before we retire for the night, how many times do we make that routine check-out to make sure the house is secured? And when we go off for a hard earned holiday, do we not worry about our home? And do not forget, almost all of us have to ask our neighbours to have a look out on our property when we take a holiday.
Oh what a life of fears!
Despite all the talk; despite all the highlights in the media; despite so many citizens writing in to the press; despite so many promises; despite all these, we are still struggling in terrorized fear not knowing when we will be the next victim at home, in the mall, on the streets or in the car park.
That is the sad reality of the actual safety and security standards for citizens in Malaysia.
Yes the authorities will get annoyed. They will counter by saying ‘do not make a big issue about just one break-in in Kemaman’.
Or they will remind you that they are doing all they can. It is the rakyat who are foolish. And foolish in what way may we ask? And their answer will be, ‘you must do your part; you must have safety and security features in your home and when out in the streets or malls.’
But how come people in other countries do not have to worry about their safety and security so much as we do? How come street crimes and house break-ins are extremely rare and in some countries it is so rare that it does not even make news?
Then again the authorities will tell you the media is making false alarms. They are sensationalizing the issue. Our crime rates have been coming down.
Please. Only last week one university lecturer from the Subang Jaya / Sunway vicinity wrote in the media that on the average they have about 10 cases of students falling vistim to snatch thieves every other week. And even their reports are not making any positive contribution to alllay the fears of the students who are largely foreigners.
Let us face facts. Our country is plagued by terrorism of robberies and snatch theives. If this is not true, look at the signage we post at public areas: ‘Beware of” this and “Beware of” that.
Look at how aggressively new housing developments are being marketed highlighting that it comes with “Gated and 24-Hour Security”.
Look at how even the ordinary man has to grill his entire house and put padlocks all around the property. Every window and door is padlocked!
Now who will take up this matter? Who will look into the real serious state of affairs involving citizens’ safety and security? Citizens? But they havce done everything possible. They listened to the authorities and even leave their front and back door lights switched on when they take leave. They do not carry handbags these days. they do not don heavy-weight gold chains in public. But they still die! Get maimed! Loose property!
And so we continue to remain in fear in our own land and our very own country we call 1Malaysia – a nation that is on the verge of being proclaimed a developed world.
Look even in the once war ravaged Sri Lanka, people do not bolt their doors at night like how we do. In Thailand, nobody talks about snatch thieves and house break-ins. Not in Cambodia for sure for even petty traders will display oppulently in public their gold decked hands and ears and necks. Of course in Hong Kong they will tell you that if you dropped your wallet it will come back to you for all the streets are CCTV-ed.
There is one noticeable difference. In all these countries public safety is the sole job of the authorities.
Perhaps we need a renewal of a citizenry concern and demand for a better living environment just like what our fellow neighbours in the region and even in the world are having.
Why should we live like caged birds in our own country? Why should we hide our prosperity in public? Why should we fear to even have a wallet in our pockets?
It is now or never for despite so many injuries, fatalities, tragedies, and loss of properties and belongings, and despite taking our own initiatives to build our security and safety at great cost, we are still at a loss and unable to get the authorities to give us what citizens in other countries enjoy without even asking.
