A mistake after another

How can we count on you if threats come from other countries, when you cannot even deal with one from your own?

By ViewAct

I can’t control my frustrations upon reading Malaysia Today’s articles on a few issues, which includes:

1)      Najib ducks MCA’s Islamic state Objection over PAS invite
2)      Umno Scholarship and College mooted
3)      Umno ‘always fair to all’

1) Our PM gave me a bigger disappointment with his second statement as he uttered “I do not want to enter into this polemic over what is [an] Islamic state because there are various interpretations of what is Islamic state,” This clearly shows how desperate he is in pulling Malay support to UMNO, and thus strengthen my impression that he is only interested in Racial politics.

There may be various interpretations of what an Islmic state is, BUT as a PM who is concerned about the different ethnics in Malaysia, with your 1Malaysia definition, you SHOULD be VERY CLEAR in what THE GOVERNMENT’s INTERPRETATION OF ISLAMIC STATE IS, ELSE YOU SHOULD STICK TO THE CONSTITUTION (Secular). Instead, you leave that definition hanging. I bet you cannot even define it clearly as you are only interested in pulling PAS into UMNO, thus trying to lure them in with the “Islamic State” term.

After that, you blame it on MCA’s CLS for making that first oath, leading to your mindless statement. Again, you display that you are an incapable PM. HOW CAN A PM LOSE HIS VISION AND DECLARE SOMETHING WRONG DUE TO INFLUENCE FROM A COMPONENT PARTY? You SHOULD know how to motivate MCA, or get them to buckle up, not take their statement and turn it into a threat to the rakyat. How can we count on you if threats come from other countries, when you cannot even deal with one from your own?

2) Moving on to the UMNO Scholarship and UMNO College news. I really would hope I could give a knock to the head of this man. We already have quite a number of colleges all around Malaysia, of which many have their quality dropping fast; and some having insufficient facilities. As he too has confirmed, some grassroots have already offered scholarships. Why then the need to put up a new one. WORSE STILL TO NAME IT UMNO! This move is clearly motivated by the name UMNO – meaning you are trying to show that it was UMNO who’s giving scholarships, instead of THE GOVERNMENT.

As there are already a few scholarships available, why don’t you provide more budget allocations to them, to help more people under the same scholarship? Instead of getting people into the trouble of needing to apply for a few different scholarships? There are already straight A’s students denied of scholarships by the few available ones; what assurance can you give that they will get it from UMNO’s scholarship?

Then again, why the name UMNO? If it is for all rakyat, why mention “children of UMNO members”? Are you trying to tell us something?

3) On to Mr. DPM’s statement that UMNO is “fair to all”. I nearly choked when reading his statement. Err … Let me rephrase – I nearly choked when reading his LIES. How can he say something that even the blind knows is not true? Is he trying to show people that this is how UMNO works – Lie?

PAS once wanted an Islamic state. At least that WAS their principle. What was UMNO’s principle? Islamic? Secular? TDM tried to make it Islamic, which clearly defies the constitution. What is YOUR principle?

Ok, your boss – Mr. PM invited PAS to join UMNO. And he is using “Islamic state” as the bait. Is that also your wish? Or is it not? If it is your wish, then you too have no respect for the constitution. If you don’t, then aren’t you going against your boss’, and your invisible boss’ (TDM) wish? Where then is your principle?

As I see it, you are merely trying to trigger PAS’ members into a split by hitting on the “Islamic state” issue so as to pull some of them to UMNO. But as a matter of fact, you too cannot promise an Islamic state (Which is clearly seen by your boss’ unclear statement of the term).

“This is what differentiates Umno from Pas and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in the context of the Malay and Islamic political struggle. Umno has always been consistent in defending the purity of Islam and protecting the Malays”, you said.

What IS Malay and Islamic political struggle? What measures have UMNO taken? You have merely confined the majority Malays into an ignorant world so that you can manipulate them easily. If you REALLY FOUGHT for the Malays, they wouldn’t need to depend on NEP now, and many wouldn’t be just waiting for a few hundred ringgit every 5 years. Defending the purity of Islam? Then why are your MPs not following Islamic laws? Why have you not practiced Islam the way you said it should be practiced? Money politics, corruption, lies, cover-ups of truths, etc; having 2 sets of rules in which the more lenient ones are for you, and the strict ones for the common people? Purity you said. Where is it?

In contrast, PR is trying to free the minds of Malaysians – Malays alike – to be independent, informed and self reliant. That will in turn help us in standing up confidently in any part of the world, not just a Jaguh Kampung who only roars in their homeland, but appears a fool internationally. Look at how Dr. Porntip replied the AG. Even a pathologist who has poorer command of English gives better statements than a lawyer. What a shame!

Last but not least, you mentioned that there is an increase in support for UMNO and BN? Try not to give money handouts before and during elections. Try not to promise monetary returns to any communities. Try not to manipulate the EC, try not to threaten the rakyat over May 13 or whatnot. And try not to use postal votes. Then we can talk about SUPPORT.
