Demo video by Ghani

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This video shows how Ghani taunted police and yet, receives VIP treatment of getting into the truck and making the victory sign. Actually, the police weren’t going to detain him but he asked to be detained as well.

Some foul words like konek is in this video (just in case there is a censorship thing) as Ghani and his gang always shouted foul languages and show lewd signs during their demo.

Abdul Ghani Jiman or known as Ghani Keranda is no longer a stranger in Penang. Almost all Penangites know this man who is in almost every street demonstration.

He earned the name Ghani Keranda because he sent two coffins to Penang state leaders because of his unhappinesses how his business of selling leather goods was affected by the renovation in Komtar.

On 3rd May, 2011 once again, he staged another demonstrations and attempted to handover a memorandum to the TYT Governor and Speaker of the Penang State Legislative.

During the noon fiasco, the song 1Malaysia was heard playing from a lorry crusing along the road. The lorry carried a banner claiming that PIKIM or Pertubuhan Ikatan Kebajikan Melayu will bring down the Pakatan Rakyat government within 7 days.

Media members who have covered the previous demos led by Ghani will know that swearing foul words is part of their routine.

Buletin Mutiara crew decided to film the demo with minor editing (that includes leaving the foul words in the video) to give Penangites a closer glimpse of Abdul Ghani.

He arrived with a few of his men and started to challenge the police to detain him if the police detains his ‘anak buah’. The police firmly told him that he can only take two other persons to hand over the memorandum.

An officer was waiting to receive the memorandum from Ghani but he wasn’t happy that he couldn’t get into the compound of the State Legislative building. He taunted Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen and shouted, ‘Ini merupakan Pakatan Rakyat konek (a description for the male organ), takut.’ Then, there was shouts of ‘pondan’ and ‘penipu’ hurled by Ghani.

He got worked up and climbed the gate but was immediately pulled down by several policemen. However, he was allowed to hand over to the memorandum addressed to the TYT Governor and Datuk Speaker.

He also showed to members of the media crowding around him several copies of the same memorandum. One of them is addressed to the Prime Minister and Ghani was seen to pay a courier company to get the letter delivered to KL.

While these were going on, three of Ghani’s men were sent to the police truck. When Ghani saw that, once again, he challenged the police to take him as well.

He then went up the truck with the three men. Those who were below urged Ghani to pose for photos. He gladly obliged by posing with two arms held high and shouts of ‘Hero’ were heard from amongst the people there.

