Is frustrated Jeffrey done with politics?

Failed negotiations with Parti Setia appears to have pushed maverick politician Jeffrey Kitingan to the other extreme.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan has dropped yet another bombshell on his supporters.

He told a small dinner gathering at his home in Likas over the Labour Day weekend that he will neither lead nor join any political party, at least not in the near future.

The shocking announcement is in stark contrast to his declaration in Entilibon, Telupid, in January that he would have a political party ready and in time for the general election.

Speaking to FMT, the former pro-tem president of the now withdrawn Parti Cinta Sabah (PCS), Daniel John Jambun, who attended the dinner function, confirmed that Jeffrey had informed the gathering that he would not head a political party or join any party now.

“Jeffrey also said he would focus on UBF (United Borneo Front) and convert Barisan Nasional (BN) members to his Borneo Agenda…” Jambun said.

As none of the local press was invited to the dinner, the news of Jeffrey’s latest stance is only just beginning to filter through the political grapevine and reaching his supporters around Sabah.

Jeffrey, who is well known for controversial moves, is however tight-lipped.

His only assertion has been that he will lead UBF into converting everybody to his autonomous-seeking stand for both Sabah and Sarawak.

Jeffrey’s plan goes awry

Soon after he left PKR, FMT reported that Jeffrey was in discussions with Henry Sabagong Rumpit, the president of Parti Demokratik Setiahati Kuasa Rakyat Sabah Bersatu or more popularly known as Parti Setia, over a possible takeover.

Many believed then that when Jeffrey spoke of taking over a political party, he was referring to Setia.

But weeks of talks with Rumpit, however, seemed to have hit a stalemate.

It was learnt that while Jeffrey’s supporters wanted a swift takeover, perhaps through an EGM, Rumpit wanted the takeover to take a natural course in which Jeffrey was to have vied for the top post in a party election, which incidentally is now three years away.

Things got worse when a former Setia president, Shuhaidin Langkap, who is said to be still the one recognised by the Registrar of Society (ROS), stepped in.

Although Rumpit is now legally viewed as the legitimate Setia president following a court ruling in his favour, the ROS appears to have not done the needful.

At the dinner function in Likas, Jeffrey left his supporters divided over which route to take.


