It’s nice to be able to say: I told you so


The problem is the Muslims are so full of bullshit. And the Malays believe that old pagan traditions and customs of pre-Islamic times are part of Islamic beliefs and rituals. And when you try to point this out they demand to see your certificate.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When Saiful Bukhari Azlan swore on the Quran in a mosque three years ago that Anwar Ibrahim had sodomised him, I wrote that there is no such thing. In fact, the practice of swearing an oath on the Quran is man’s invention, not God’s decree, and that it was a pagan Arab practice of pre-Islamic times.

That was three years ago and the response I received was that I am not qualified to talk about Islam. You need a certificate to talk about Islam, although it is man and not God who issues that certificate.

In fact, soon after that I was detained without trial under the Internal Security Act and one of the charges was that I had insulted Islam. Malays get upset when I criticise them and they view criticism not as comments against them but as speaking out against God.

That was also the culture in Europe more than 1,000 years ago. The church believed that the world is flat and if you said that the world is round they would put you to death.

Anyway, now an imam has also come out to say the same as what I said three years ago. So what are you going to do to that imam? Confiscate his certificate and detain him under ISA?

The problem is the Muslims are so full of bullshit. And the Malays believe that old pagan traditions and customs of pre-Islamic times are part of Islamic beliefs and rituals. And when you try to point this out they demand to see your certificate.

Certificate my arse.



