Religious Overdose – Enough-lah…

All these religious NGOs and religious brotherhoods… Don’t they need to earn a living? Don’t they have a day job? Or a business to run? Where do they find so much time running here, calling press conferences there.

By Simon Templar

That’s it people. I’ve just about had enough of all these religious talks going round this country.

Everyday. And I mean everyday we see headlines like these:

Muslim NGOs say Idris Jala bias in Alkitab row (The Malaysian Insider)

Islam under siege in Malaysia (MalaysiaKini)

The above 2 are what I’ve just picked up from the websites mentioned as I type this. Don’t even need to scroll down the webpage or look for one. It’s smack on your face like a cream pie.

It is always Islam this, Christians that. Islam that, Muslims this. Aiyoh… Don’t you people have better things to do? All these religious NGOs and religious brotherhoods… Don’t they need to earn a living? Don’t they have a day job? Or a business to run? Where do they find so much time running here, calling press conferences there. No life ah?

Eh hello. Has anyone read any latest reports on youths embracing religion? It is at an all time low. No answers has been given on why this is happening but if you ask me, it has all to do with overdose and radicalism being practised. Bloody hell… Who will want to embrace any religion where fanatics run around town screaming they want this, they want that, heaven this, hell that. By the way ah, this is not a Muslim bashing session. This applies to the Christians as much. Imagine if we have the Jews in Malaysia. The circus will be complete.

(Am not taking sides. In fact I am not even a religious person. Nope, do not subscribe to any religion for the time being).

Look here Mr. Religious Fanatics, most of us Malaysians are having trouble putting rice on table. Many among us cannot afford to buy a roof to shelter our heads. We are having a serious livelihood problem here. Maybe you have found a secret formula to turn our polluted air into energy once they are taken into your lungs, but I have not. So, why don’t you bugger off for the next 1000 years and let us live in peace. Funny, apparently religion helps you find inner peace, but our peace will have to come from getting rid of so-called religious people. How ironic!

What are you religious people so paranoid about anyway? Why is it that there is always someone trying to sabotage your religion? This is 2011 already lah. You think we are still living in medieval times? Where got knights in armor suits galloping across continents spreading religion and killing in the name of religion? Grow up lah! Nobody wants to sabo you or your beloved religion. Anyone with time in hand is better off chilling out at Starbucks or play Angry Birds on their iPad lah ok! WTF! TNS!

Oh! And can this non-religious person offer you so-called religious people a pointer. If you do bad things, then you are a bad person. Doing bad things to other people for ‘the sake of your religion’ does not make you a good person. No heaven for you, dummy. Taking money from some political scumbag to smear others in the name of ‘feeding your family’ makes you a bad person. No heaven for you too. Bad is bad. No excuses, no reasoning.

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