Anwar stays silent on S’wak shadow cabinet row

The opposition leader says that he does not want to engage with state DAP chief Wong Ho Leng.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today refused to comment on the ongoing row between his party PKR and the DAP over the opposition’s shadow cabinet lineup in Sarawak.

Questions arose over the shadow cabinet after Anwar had brushed aside a line-up announced by Sarawak DAP chief Wong Ho Leng, who is also the state opposition leader.

Anwar had said that the line-up announced by Wong was just a proposal. Wong however disputed this, saying that Anwar was not properly informed by the state PKR leaders on the agreement reached over the shadow cabinet.

“I don’t want to engage Wong Ho Leng,” Anwar said today with a smile to reporters after an economic forum at the Ampang Jaya City Council building here.

He was asked to comment on the apparent faltering communication between the two parties over the matter.

PKR and DAP in Sarawak have been at odds, albeit silently, on various issues even before the state elections kicked off.

The latter had accused PKR of arm-twisting over seat allocations which led to allegations that talks had collapsed.

Observers have cast doubt over Pakatan’s ability to remain cohesive and questioned its preparation for the upcoming national polls which is rumoured to be held this year.

But Anwar said the pact is ready despite the predicaments, especially in its machinery which is known to be far less superior than rival Barisan Nasional’s.


