Replying to Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad’s reply
KTemoc Konsiders
Dear Nik,
Thanks for dropping in to leave a comment on my post A letter to PKR. Allow me to address an incorrect assertion in your first sentence?
I am not, as you alleged, anti-Keadilan per se, but just anti-bullshit. In fact, I have even defended your ‘Great Leader’ on a number of occasions though admittedly I bashed him more, wakakaka.
You might have mistakenly sensed that I am anti-PKR because I have hammered your leaders more frequently than others, but the fact is I haven’t spared any political leaders, including DAP’s, with probably PSM’s as the sole exception. But in my more generous allocation of criticisms for PKR leaders wakakaka, you may wish to be self-critical and ask yourself why!
By the way, do you recall KJ gibing at Anwar for dancing with the daughter of the late (Genting Highlands’) Lim Goh Tong? Well, ’twas kaytee who wrote in to Malaysiakini to defend Anwar. Surely this calls for a wakakaka as you would also see in the title of my related post.
I posted that letter to MIKINI on my blog as Defending Anwar Ibrahim – wakakaka.
Then, I had also defended Eli Wong during the period of her most trying times and joined in the call for Nathaniel Tan to be released from police custody.
So, as can be perused in black & white on my blog, I’m not anti-PKR per se, but most certainly I detest bullshit like the 916 perversion, a shameful attempt to subvert the supremacy of the ballot box a la the Sabah State Elections of 1994, or PKR’s shameless pursuit of potential BN frogs all the way to Taiwan. Reformasi?
Perhaps now you can see why I’ve been so unforgiving of your leader for having the brazen cheek to proclaim that KeADILan and then PKR as the party leading the political reformasi movement. What utter bull!
And don’t think I’ve only been targeting PKR because on 22 June 2008 I hentam Lim Kit Siang for showing signs of frog hunting inclination as well in Has the DAP lost its way?
Yes, my anti-bull blogging extends to the party I currently favour, the DAP. I have criticized even my hero Karpal Singh for demanding the death sentence for a demented sexual pervert, a school bus driver, and also for his childish reference to Zaid Ibrahim as someone who couldn’t be trusted just by ‘looking at his (Zaid’s) face’. What rubbish he was sprouting then! And I posted too that I don’t think very highly of the Perak DAP mob for childishly walking over the poster pictures of the 3 frogs.
Additionally, there was also my post Lim GE is wrong on nuclear plant. No one is immune from my criticism, a blogger’s privilege. My only regret is the limitations of time and opportunity where I am forced to cherry pick the ones which annoyed me immensely.
In short, my dear Nik, I’m not a fanatical acolyte of any politician, blind to his or her impropriety or undemocratic conduct, unlike some in PKR like my matey Antares, who no doubt on reading of kaytee describing him as my ‘matey’, will be raging and pulling at his hair in exasperation, wakakaka.
Back to PKR bull ;-), I know that on the governance of your recent party polls, a party which has the unmitigated nerve to proclaim reformasi as its core value, a lot had already been written by Haris Ibrahim, RPK and your own PKR members (some still members, while others have left and may be leaving) without the need for me to add on to the scandal.
OK, let’s now switch to Bahasa proficiency. If you were referring to Sarawak DAP leaders, I do agree with you that this is somewhat lacking, but it’s a deficiency not uncommon in Sarawak or just unique to DAP politicians. I’ve actually blogged on this lack of Bahasa competency in general terms some years ago, 2005 to be precise, in a post at BolehTalk titled Tar’da Bolay Lar, Tar’da Bolay Carkap Marlar-yoo Lar!
Unfortunately, lack of Bahasa oral proficiency among non-Malay Sarawakians has been an outcome of the political history of Sarawak in Malaysia as well as the neglect of our Education Ministry for the two States in the East.
But then, their command of Bahasa is no more worse than that of the MP for Kelana Jaya wakakaka – see an earlier post on Loh’s command of Bahasa titled Bahasa Mělayu – a letter to Yang Běrhormat.
Just a reminder, Loh Gwo Burne was a last minute personal nominee of Anwar in the 2008 GE. His perceived unsuitability as a federal MP led Haris Ibrahim to demand an explanation from Anwar Ibrahim for his (Anwar’s) choice, which as with all such challenging queries to PKR, remained unanswered.
As for what you alleged as Wong Ho Leng’s impertinent statements against your leaders, specifically Azmin Ali, I support Wong in telling Azmin to butt out of his intrusive attempt to control and micro-manage state PR inter-party issues.
Regrettably Azmin has a lamentable history in obsessive proclivity to control everything in PKR or even PR. Sadly by this, PKR top (KL-based) leaders indicate they do not condone nor would allow decentralised leadership and decision-making at regional levels. As Wong succinctly asserted, PKR has shown its refusal to ‘grant autonomy to its state chapter when handling party affairs in Sarawak’.