A call to like-minded Malaysians …

I cannot claim to speak on behalf on MCLM but having seen its work up close and in person I believe the people behind the movement do have the best interests of the nation at heart. Let’s be honest and blunt in our assessment: since the political tsunami of 308, what are the policies and actions that the PR have implemented to move our nation building forward?

By Educationist

Fresh from a Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) training workshop, I feel moved to share some thoughts on the need for more rakyat to take an interest in the direction our nation is heading. The UMNOputras have apparently pulled out all stops to retain power – what with Najib’s charm offensive, Muhyiddin’s Malay first agenda with Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia in tow. Amidst all this, we see the PR like a rudderless ship rather than a government in waiting.

To those of us with the best interests of the nation close to our hearts, we see the agenda for change, reforms stuttering, almost stillborn. The movement towards a more civil, just, fair and democratic society now appears as a hazy memory, as PR has not been able to prod the UMNOputras in that direction. In their own state administrations only Penang and Kelantan still appear on course to be able to retain the rakyat’s confidence for another term. 

There is a necessity for those of us who’ll like to see our country move up the scale as a civil nation to do our part to help bodies like the MCLM along. The misinformation and disinformation being spread that the MCLM is out to split the opposition votes must be seen to be the untruth it actually is. I append the movement’s vision statement below:

“The Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) envisions a nation that has fully realised the aspirations of our founding fathers that Malaysia be a nation founded upon the principles of liberty and justice, her people bound together by a unity of purpose and imbibed with self-belief, to make Malaysia a land of prosperity and peace, ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations.”

I cannot claim to speak on behalf on MCLM but having seen its work up close and in person I believe the people behind the movement do have the best interests of the nation at heart. Let’s be honest and blunt in our assessment: since the political tsunami of 308, what are the policies and actions that the PR have implemented to move our nation building forward? Yes, I know the disclaimer, of course the PR is not the federal government but yet have they put forth any real alternative policy suggestions to catch the rakyat’s imagination?

Yes, three or bigger corner fights must be avoided at all costs in the coming GE13. The rakyat in constituencies where MCLM will be nominating their screened candidates must make known their support of the noble objectives behind that move. Hopefully this will encourage the PR component party involved to be more willing to negotiate a win-win scenario.

On the MCLM part, the screened candidates must have been on the ground and have started servicing their respective nominated constituencies. I know, of course, this is easier said than done when bigger than life egos may be involved!! I know it’s easy to talk theory and I’ll be the first to admit my inexperience in this area but I sincerely believe there’s not much time left and all these nitty gritty matters must be resolved if we are to take on the UMNOputras on a firmer footing!!

All of us who have contributed to the political tsunami of 308 must look into our hearts again and find the resolve to stay the course. The change and reforms we seek in our society have not taken root yet, so this GE13 we must take further action. In whatever way we can we must pass the message of change on. We must try to convert the fence sitters to our cause – the betterment of our society in all its many facets.
