BN YB Bites the Hands that Feed Him!

By Sarawak Report

BN is spending huge sums of money attempting to promote a democratic image worldwide.  But, for free, the Pantai Damai assemblyman, Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi, has undermined such careful PR with a series of outrageous statements.

His remarks, which were faithfully reproduced in the BN mouthpiece, The Borneo Post, on April 28th under the title “It is not fair to bite the hand that feeds you”, were directed against members of his own constituency, who had had the ‘audacity’ to vote against BN in the recent elections.

BN YBs badly need lessons in democracy

Unlike a genuine democratic politician, who would acknowledge that he had not succeeded in convincing everybody that he was the man to vote for and would commit himself to try harder next time round, this fellow chose instead to chastise and threaten his constituents!  Worse, he made it clear that he was prepared to corruptly abuse his position by withdrawing legitimate state aid from individuals who had voted for the opposition!

“Our approach in Pantai Damai will be … If they insist on supporting the opposition, then maybe they should ask the opposition for aid.”, announced the cheeky Assemblyman.

Junadi is their representative not their boss!

Abdul Rahman Junadi should remember that it is the people who feed HIM, through his salary as an Assemblyman.   The fishermen he was addressing also put food on his table.  It is therefore HE that should remember not to bite the hand that feeds him and not the other way round.  How dare he threaten his constituents in such a way?

The occasion on which Junadi made these remarks was a disgrace in itself.  The man had strutted into the community to make a public handout of benefits from the federal government to the fishermen, who were entitled to it.  These individuals should, of course, have been allowed the dignity of a completely private distribution of state support and not have been forced to grovel for it in public in front of this rude and threatening man.  

Indeed, who is Mr Junadi to make a big public occasion out of personally handing the fishermen their benefits?  Was this money that Mr Junadi had himself earned that he was so kindly passing to them?  No, of course it was not!  This was Malaysian taxpayers’ money and money raised from the people of Sarawak and he has no right whatsoever to pose as the generous person handing it out.

Neither should Junadi attempt to pretend that it is his party BN that is donating the money.  The only role the BN has in a genuine democracy is the responsibility over a limited period for making sure that the people who elected them (the real bosses) get the best value for their money.  It is a position of trust, not of authority.



