Perkasa Lodges Police Report on Alleged ‘Christian Conspiracy’

By Aidil Syukri, Malaysian Digest  

SENTUL, 9 MAY, 2011: Wirawati Perkasa Malaysia today lodged a police report regarding an article by Utusan Malaysia on May 6, 2011 that exposed an attempt by priests from all over the country to make Christian as the official religion of this country.

According to its chief Zaira Jaafar, continuous provocations and violations of the feelings and sensitivities of the Muslims could cause tension and would invite extreme reaction from Islamic groups that may be difficult to be controlled and contained.

“They must understand and accept the fact that Islam is not an official religion, Islam is the ‘Agama Persekutuan’ and it is impossible to change,” said Zaira after she lodged the police report.

“Islam was placed in a special position, the highest and protected in the Constitution, laws, the Malay rulers, the government and its followers,” she added.

She added that all articles in the Federal Constitution should be read together and not separate as it could resulted things that cannot be discussed and disputed in the constitutional such as Islam as the ‘Agama Persekutuan’ and the Malay rights.


