RPK too limited in ‘thinking out of box’

By KTemoc Konsiders

RPK and blogger Masterwordsmith have both just questioned PKR’s inability to think beyond Anwar Ibrahim as the Pakatan’s PM-designate. In other words, the PKR people hold a dangerous belief in the indispensability of Anwar as the leader of Pakatan. RPK worries their inability to think ‘outside the box’ may in fact be putting Anwar in greater danger from UMNO, leading it to believe that to destroy Pakatan, they must first destroy Anwar.

RPK and Masterwordsmith also accuse PKR and PAS for failing to directly defend DAP against Utusan’s vile fabrications that DAP plans to amend the Constitution to make Malaysia a Christian nation. I won’t bother to comment on this as it’s known that where the ’supreme’ race & religion are involved, PKR and PAS would normally keep mum for fear of being seen as too ‘liberal’ by the conservative Heartland – am not going to waste time asking the reluctant to do the impossible.

But on their principal point, PKR’s erroneous perception on Anwar’s indispensability as Pakatan head, it really beggars belief that PKR members can’t see beyond Anwar, as if the man is immortal and will be forever around. Or, perhaps PKR members are expecting Azmin Ali to automatically assume Anwar’s post as Pakatan leader when Anwar is not available?

Significantly, on a leadership alternative to Anwar (at Pakatan and not PKR level), both RPK and Masterwordsmith did not mention Azmin Ali at all, wakakaka.

You need to understand that Azmin is in reality only a political pygmy in the Pakatan scheme of things, and not even a successful politician at that. We have already witnessed his serial failures in Sabah, party polls, Sarawak and recently, PKR-DAP relationship. He survives only because of Anwar; without Anwar he is nobody. Thus, Azmin has a femtometer-thin possibility of succeeding Anwar’s position and status as the assigned leader of Pakatan.

Now, it so happened that on 24 November last year, I posted PKR without Anwar Ibrahim & Azmin Ali, triggered by a Malaysiakini news article ‘400k PKR members, where art thou?’ which questioned PKR on its real membership figure. There has been a nasty suspicion PKR has creatively jacked it up humongously for the purpose of gaining advantage over its Pakatan allies in seats negotiations.

