The religions of the book and politics


My contention is that, according to the way of Abraham and what the Quran teaches us, all the followers of the way of Abraham (followers of Moses, Jesus plus Muhammad) must get involved in politics to be true submitters.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

My good friend from Umno wrote his latest piece today called Where everybody miss the plot (you can go here to read it

I really don’t know whether today we should talk about politics or religion. Nevertheless, in Malaysia, both come in a package (spiced with race) — so by talking about one you need to talk about the other.

I sometimes joke (or blaspheme, depending on how you see it) that Christianity is Version 2 of Judaism while Islam is Version 3. The ‘operating system’ of all three remains the same. It is only that some new ‘features’ are added, or deleted, as the case may be. And these ‘features’ would be the rituals. The fundamentals do not differ.

My Umno friend’s contention in his article above is that the Christians are ‘playing politics’. Now, before we confirm or deny this, let us rewind a bit.

The Quran states that all those followers of Moses (Musa) and followers of Jesus (Isa) who follow the way (Deen) of Abraham (Ibrahim) are the true submitters (Muslims). Note, in that particular verse, the Quran talks about Abraham, Moses and Jesus. There is no mention of Muhammad in that verse.

Now, have you noticed that Muslims always argue that Abraham, Moses and Jesus were Muslims? In a way they are not wrong. Muslim merely means submitter — submit to God. This does not mean they were Muslims according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia’s interpretation of Muslim. But they are submitters nevertheless, as far as the Quran is concerned (as long as they follow the way or deen of Abraham).

Now, Islam is not only a religion. It is a way of life or adeen. Every Muslim would tell you this.

Islam is not just about rituals. It is also about economics, governing, the legal system, politics, war, foreign affairs, internal security, public order and safety, the welfare system, and much more. In short, Islam is an entire and complete governing system for society.

Therefore, for the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus to be true followers of the way of Abraham, they must not only focus on rituals. Politics is also part of the way or deen of Abraham.

This means if the followers of Moses and Jesus steer clear of or refuse to get involved in politics, then they are NOT the true followers of the way of Abraham, as far as the Quran is concerned. Any Jew or Christian who is NOT political is a deviant Jew or Christian. Islam would declare you a murtad or apostate for defying God.

Okay, now back to the issue of whether the Christians in Malaysia are or are not getting involved in politics; that is for you to decide. My contention is that, according to the way of Abraham and what the Quran teaches us, all the followers of the way of Abraham (followers of Moses, Jesus plus Muhammad) must get involved in politics to be true submitters.

The ‘separation of church and state’ does not exist in Islam. That is why PAS is not wrong in trying to seek political power. If it is okay for the followers of Muhammad to seek political power based on a religious platform, why is it wrong for the other submitters and followers of the way of Abraham to also seek political power on a religious platform?

If only the followers of Muhammad can seek political power on a religious platform, while those followers of Moses and Jesus cannot, then why would the Quran say that the followers of Moses and Jesus who follow the way of Abraham are the true submitters?

Note that the followers of Muhammad are allowed to marry women from the followers of Moses and Jesus (Muhammad married a Jewish woman) plus they can eat meat from animals slaughtered by them. So Islam recognises Judaism and Christianity as ‘brother-religions’. Therefore, what is allowed for Islam is also allowed for the Jews and Christians.

And politics is one such thing that is not only allowed but a must.

Okay, let me demonstrate this ‘political Islam’ in another way by quoting Imam Ghazali.

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, more fondly known as Imam Ghazali, was one of the renowned imams from 11th century Persia. And you can read below what Imam Ghazli said.

Would you say that Imam Ghazali was ‘playing politics’?

Ponder on this before we whack the Christians and deny them their right of ‘political Christianity’. Would we tolerate a Christian or Jew telling us that Islam must be separated from politics? We will riot and lynch any Christian or Jew who tries to deny us our ‘political Islam’.

