Malaysia’s Anwar to face second sodomy trial
(Radio Australia) – Malaysia’s High Court has ruled that opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has a case to answer, over allegations that he sodomised a former aide in June 2008.
High Court Judge Zabidin Mohamed Diah said he found the prosecution’s main witness credible, and called on Datuk Seri Anwar, a former deputy prime minister, to stand trial next month. Under Malaysian law, a judge decides after the prosecution has presented its case, whether to dismiss the charges or to ask the defence to enter its response. Anwar Ibrahim says he’s not surprised by the finding.
Presenter: Sen Lam
Speaker: Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia Opposition leader and former deputy prime minister
- Listen: Windows Media
ANWAR: Well, I’m not surprised by the decision of the judge, because I understand the system. This is a trumped up charge, politically-motivated, there’s no basis in fact and law. But what was shocking is the fact that he (Judge) chose to come up with a decision of prima facie, to come up with virtually a judgement, confirming and strengthening the entire case of the prosecution; credibility of the witness, all the ingredients have been supported. And makes it near impossible to defend ourselves. I mean, it’s basically, like convicting us today.
LAM: So do you think this decision today reflects badly on Malaysia’s judiciary?
ANWAR: Well, clearly, the entire system is flawed. I mean, you have a case, a prosecution, that doesn’t care about the rules of justice. And you have a judge, who’s also compliant to the dicates of Datuk Najib, the Prime Minister and the political masters.
LAM: And Datuk Seri, how will you proceed with your legal team now?
ANWAR: Well, he’s given us a few weeks to prepare for the defence, and you know, in Malaysia, that means our key witnesses will be intimidated by the special branch of the police and we have now initial evidence of that, which we’ll have to clear. Then we will have to call (PM) Najib and his wife, because as you know, before the allegation was made, we have established witnesses in court, that this young man, met Najib, contacted the inspector-general of police and later, when the doctors came out with a clear decision, conclusive clinical findings of no penetration, they then, after two years reversed, by saying “Well, the possiblity is there.”
LAM: The prime minister Najib Razak is currently in Europe, so you’re hoping the High Court will call for his testimony?
ANWAR: Yes, we will demand it. He is involved. It is established in court, mentioned even with the Judge, that this young man, met the prime minister, to this, prior to the alleged incident.
LAM: Is this an unwelcome distraction for you, at a time when you should be gearing up for general elections, on the back of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat’s success in Sarawak state last month?
ANWAR: Well, this is nothing new. This is of course, the plan by (PM) Najib. to tie me up to the court proceedings. But mind you, our task is to make sure that the opposition agenda and the (Pakatan Rakyat) alliance continue to work. I mean, I was still in the provinces last night, and came back at three in the morning, only to appear in court at 8.30. I mean this is the game of Hitler and Stalin and Saddam Hussein and Mubarak. What difference is it? The only difference is they have this farce, of a face of procedures being followed, a trial, elections, that’s all. I mean, if I may add, not only this, two weeks ago, my wife was involved in a major accident, and we have a report by the mechanic to confirm that they sabotaged. Three days back, my daughter, a member of parliament, received an MMS (text) threat, with a phone number, to say that if you continue to support your father, your daughter will disappear.
LAM: This was a direct made to your grand-daughter, through your daughter, Nurul Izzah?
ANWAR: Yes! And what was the response of the minister? “Well, they’re making it into a drama.” We have the (phone) number!
LAM: Well, I understand that Nurul Izzah has lodged a police report, ya?
ANWAR: Yes, yes, and this is the response by the minister, in defence. This is a political show.
LAM: I understand there’s also a separate police investigation that’s underway about a sex tape, allegedly with you in it. How do you feel about that investigation?
ANWAR: Well, it’s certainly not me. I mean, they have some features of my face, but certainly not my body. I mean, everybody knows it. I mean, everybody who sees me, could verify that (it’s not me). But this government, in the public media, in their national television, to portray excerpts of the sex pornography, trying to smear me among the conservative Muslim crowd. Who is talking morality here? (PM) Najib? I mean, it’s just a shameful act to use this, and distribute these tapes, hundreds and thousands of these tapes are distributed all over Kuala Lumpur.
LAM: Do you think that Malaysian politics has descended to a new low?
ANWAR: Yes, under (PM) Najib, yes.
LAM: What has been the rakyat’s response, the people’s response to all these incidents?
ANWAR: Well, I am encouraged, because last night I was in the rural heartland. People came and walked miles, to listen. Police intimidation was there. The police went and just stopped us from speaking, but my point is, I don’t believe that people can be fooled and I trust the wisdom of the masses. I still feel that we can still go down and work, and that is why they want to tie me up to the court proceedings.
LAM: Because they see you as a real threat?