ICare Outpatient Scheme? Do They Really Care?
In theory this scheme will save consumers from having to pay out-of-pocket for their primary care and thus protect them from excessive healthcare expenses. In reality the new company may become a middle man profiting from patients and their caregivers, with the result that healthcare costs go up, standard of treatment may drop and the public is burdened with a new healthcare tax.
For far too long, our government has been talking about health insurance for a long time, and now finally, it looks like it is going spring a new scheme on all of us.
How many of you are aware of this ICare scheme? Has there been any transparency or is it another cloak and dagger act?
This letter by three doctors, one of whom is my ENT consultant, shows that the medical community – doctors and the Malaysian Medical Association – are just as concerned because it is clear they have NOT been consulted/informed or engaged in this new scheme.
We should also be concerned and equally appalled as our lives and health are at stake here. Have the public been consulted or informed about this scheme?
It is a long letter but as a Malaysian and a consumer of health services, please read it carefully because it will directly affect every single one of us!
ICare? Do they really care about us?
Please leave a comment to share your input on this important topic. Thanks! Have a pleasant evening.
1Care outpatient scheme – middlemen didahulukan?
By Drs Ong, Haniffah & Palaniappan