Malaysia’s Top 5 Societal Cancers
By Laughamology Incorporated
The top five Malaysian societal cancer-causing elements are:
1. Big (fat lah!!!) Hot (sweaty & smelly, especially under the armpits) Dog (D-blog i.e.Dog+blog??)
Because they are high in ingrates and low in I,Q (not to mention full of excrement), the Lunacy Prevention Coalition advises that Malaysians read no more than 1/2 excrement-laced postings from the Big Hot Dog a month in order to minimize the risk of going imbecilic and insane.
If you somehow can’t live without consuming lies and obscenities from that Big Hot Dog, then this written advisory is incomprehensible to you or perhaps you hadn’t realized its existence anyway. No loss.
2. Possessed Meathead Cum The “Mini”ster of Homestay
Also high in the same ingrates and excrement elements found in Big (Hot, Sweaty, Smelly) Dog (how else can you explain his quick but I.Q-less remark). He and other possessed meatheads raise the risk of racial disharmony disease. Saturated with fat lies and slander, these possessed meatheads also contribute to a cancerous Malaysian society.
3. The ancient and creepy DoughNUTS MIS-Info-taint-ment Minister.
This nutty and hollow specimen of prehistoric dough brain is societal cancer-causing double trouble. First, he is a consummate master (PhDkah???) of hypocrisy and second he is in charge of disseminating information and communication (talk about bad chemistry…it’s like giving an arsonist a flame thrower!).
4. French Fried Frog (legs???) or The FFF i.e. FerKasar, FERK-Kasar and FerkKOSA (read with different emphasis)
Like the above doughNUTs, the French fried “Frogs” are full of hypocrisy and love to bask in hot and caustic environment made with slanderous and racist comments.
The most famous FFF was able to leap to KL all the way from Kelantan (not sure if he did it in a single bound like Superman, though!) to participate in group swearing, uttering nonsense and racist gibberish.
The FFF also contain or are patron of societal cancer- causing Non Go-Standable Org (NGO) who relishes in standing together in a group wearing ugly faces and shouting non intelligible slogans while holding misspelled and an even uglier looking picket signs.
The combination of the FFF and the Non Gostand Org (and not to mention non intelligible slogan and misspelled sign that hurts Malaysia’s image) is truly an unhealthy mix for Malaysian consumption.
5. Crappy newspapers, CrackaTUNs and Kooky brain public servants.
All are usually full of corruption and unhealthy resentment towards the well being of all Malaysian. Even those who are charged with upholding the nation’s law and constitution are tainted with low intelligence and an even lower moral standard. Malaysian are fed daily with Crap, Crack and Kooky and its a wonder we are still standing and not six feet under!