Perkasa and Umno Youth Demonstrators All Dressed Up But Nowhere to Go
(Malaysian Digest) – About 100 Perkasa members and 200 Umno Youth members gathered in front of Utusan Malaysia building at Jalan Chan Sow Lin today to show their support for the Malay daily that has been hit by controversies lately.
The gathering was planned separately to demonstrate against Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) members who had earlier planned to stage a protest against Utusan. However, the AMK demonstrators pulled out from the protest and instead took part in a Lynas protest that was happening at the same time in front of the Australian embassy.
Led by Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali The Perkasa demonstrators started marching to the Utusan office after Friday prayers.
During the march, they shouted ‘Hidup Melayu’ (Long Live Malay), ‘Hidup Utusan’ (Long Live Utusan), ‘Selamatkan Utusan’ (Save Utusan) and ‘Jangan Ganggu Melayu’ (Don’t Provoke the Malays).
They also brought along placards and banners that said ‘Utusan Perkasa Melayu’ (Utusan is the Strength of Malays), ‘Utusan Berani Kerana Benar’ (Utusan is Brave for Revealing the Truth), ‘Hidup Utusan Melayu’ (Long Live Malay Utusan), ‘Perkasa Bersama Utusan’ (Perkasa is with Utusan) and ‘Allah Lindungi Utusan’ (Allah Protects Utusan).
They demonstrators were also singing the ‘Barisan Kita’ song.
Later, Syed Hassan handed a memorandum to the Utusan’s representative, deputy editor Ahmad Abd Hamid.
Met later, Syed Hassan said Perkasa will continue to support Utusan as long as the paper still fights for the rights of the Malays and Islam.
“We came here today to show our support to Utusan Malaysia. We will continuously give our support to them as long as they fighting for the national agenda, Malay people and Islam,” he said.
According to them, Utusan has played a big role in educating the Malay people since its establishment.
“We hope that all the Utusan staff will continue to remain passionate in doing their work,” he added.
Meanwhile, Seputeh Umno Youth leader, Mohd Razlan Muhammad Rafii said Utusan was just playing their role in educating the Malay people on how to defend their rights.
Commenting on the recent controversial front-page article on an alleged ‘Christian conspiracy’, published by the daily Mohd Razlan said it is totally unfair for the AMK to attack Utusan.
“Their (AMK) action is unwise. I would like to stress here that if they come next time, we (Umno Youth) will come also. We will continuously give our support to Utusan no matter what,” he said.
Few minutes later about 200 people from Umno youth group arrived for the same purpose.
Led by Umno Youth secretary Datuk Megat Firdaus Megat Junid, the group shouted ‘Tangkap Anwar’ (Arrest Anwar), ‘Hidup Utusan’, ‘Hancur Anwar’ (Destroy Anwar), ‘Undur PR’ (Pakatan Rakyat Back Down) and ‘Undur Anwar’ (Anwar Back Down). They also brought placards that said ‘Hidup Utusan’ and ‘Satu Utusan Satu Malaysia’ (One Utusan One Malaysia).
Megat Firdaus also handed a memorandum to a representative from Utusan.