Anwar Looking Down At The Poor Orang Kampong

Hantu Laut

There were 1000 strong poor kampong folks in Cheras Baru who listened to Anwar’s bullshit about subsidies for the poor and Najib bowing to rich towkays.

If the kampong people believe him I don’t blame them because they don’t know any better but Anwar is certainly a liar and a bigot because he looks down on the poor kampong folks and think they are stupid and can be easily fooled.

Somebody in the crowd should have asked Anwar when he was Finance Minister did he give huge projects and businesses to any poor folk in Cheras Baru or in any other kampong or he gave it to the same kind of people who can do the job properly, help stimulate the economy, generate more jobs for the people and pay more taxes into the government coffers.

Ask him how many people are under his employment as compared to people like Ananda, Bukary, Vincent Tan, Francis Yeo and thousands of other entrepreneurs and businessmen that have contributed to the economy and well being of this country. Ask him how much has he contributed in term of taxes, foreign exchange gains and other economic contributions that have helped put money in our pockets and helped the government to develop the country giving us a better live.

“They give subsidies to poor people and call it opium but when they give it to the rich it is okay although they are the real opium addicts,” he said in response to Najib likening petrol subsidies to opium.

At lease Najib is honest and are prepared to bite the bullet and stake his job to take unpopular decision to save the nation from bankruptcy. The present economic situation would bankrupt the nation if the government continue giving out too much subsidies.

Would he like to turn this country into an agrarian nation like what Pol Pot and the Khmer Rogue did in Cambodia many years ago, killed all the intellectuals, the doctors, lawyers, teacher, businessmen and anyone using glasses deemed to be pests and parasites.


