Wikileaks: Cable sheds some light on sex accuser Eskay
(Harakahdaily) – Fresh from sealing a deal with world-renowned whistle blower Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, self-exiled blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has revealed a leaked diplomatic cable about Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, one of the men at the centre of the pornographic clip targeted at Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The cable claims that Eskay, who served as Malaysia’s Honorary Thai Consul in Langkawi, had once described Malaysian territory as a ‘safe haven’ for Thai separatists during a meeting in February 2006 with a US diplomat Mark D. Clark, who heads the US’s political section.
“Eskay said he carried out his work on the Thai insurgency largely independent of the Thai and Malaysian governments, and maintained direct links with most known Malay separatist leaders resident in Malaysia,” says the cable.
The cable however says that several Malaysian volunteers had casted doubts on Eskay’s claims of knowing the separatist leaders, and alleging that Eskay had been involved in shady business deals in the past.
Eskay, says the cable, attempted to prove his links with Thai rebels by showing a video footage he recorded of meetings with men he described as senior separatist leaders and younger operators.
“Eskay credibly appeared to have contacts with a large pool of old guard leaders, insurgents, and sympathizers from Thailand’s Malay south. His views on the insurgency were the most detailed we heard during five days of travel in northern Malaysia and tracked well in many respects with information and opinions from others,” it adds.
Describing Eskay as a businessmen of mixed Malaysian-Thai parentage, the cable quotes Eskay of telling about his role in the 2005-2006 dialogue with southern Thai insurgents, which also involved former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The cable further states that Eskay shared a 12-page paper of the insurgency and Thai-Malay views, resulting from his interviews with numerous separatist leaders, which he had submitted to Malaysian External Intelligence Organization (MEIO) on February 1.
“Eskay requested that we not share the paper and February 2006 ‘peace proposal’ with others (we have forwarded the documents via classified email to EAP/MTS and Embassy Bangkok),” the cable reads.