PKR facing eviction from HQ
Since the landlord has failed to service the bank loan, the opposition party finds itself in a lurch.
(Free Malaysia Today) – Facing possible eviction from their party headquarters in Merchant Square Tropicana here because the landlord failed to service the bank loan, PKR is now planning to buy the premises when the bank auctions it next month.
If that fails, the opposition party would seek to rent it from the new owners. But even if that did not work out, then PKR might have to find itself another office.
Party treasurer-general William Leong said this was the contingency plan.
“We are only a tenant, we plan to bid in the coming June 9 auction and buy the building. We have an idea in mind of how much we will like to bid.
“If that is not successful we can talk to the new buyers if they wish to continue with the tenancy. If the new owner is not agreeable then of course we will move,” he told FMT.
The Selayang MP stressed that the problem was not with the party but with the landlord.
“It is the landlord, the banks are going after them. A lot of people have the wrong notion that we are the owners. We are just the tenant and not responsible for the loan. We have never failed to pay the monthly rental,” he said.
It is learnt that PKR was paying close to RM20,000 monthly to a company called Ainb-Tech Sdn Bhd to rent the premises. The PKR headquarters takes up eight floors.
Leong said it was inevitable that the issue would be exploited by certain parties.
“This has nothing to do with the party and we are not in trouble but the nature of politics is such… look at the ROS (Registrar of Societies) wanting to de-register us.
“We have got (party vice-president) Tian Chua being fined and possibly losing his (Batu) parliament seat. Every chance they have, Barisan Nasional will exploit it,” he added.
Asked who forked out the money for the rental, Leong said that PKR was dependent on friends and contributors.
“We are of course dependent on people to help us, but there is no such thing as one person coming out and bailing us out. We welcome anyone to assist us, either in funding the office or looking for another,” he said.
Nurul questions the timing
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said the party was cognisant of being up against various apparatuses of the state.
“We are operating in a hostile environment. The date of the ROS hearing and auction is the same (June 9) but I don’t want to speculate on that. We are doing all we can to fulfill our obligations (to the people). Certainly our political enemies will exploit this issue,” she said.