Rosmah’s prompt act shames ‘e-kasih’

By Queville To, FMT

KOTA KINABALU: The shocking exposure by Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, that severe poverty continues to escape detection in Sabah is a wake-up call for the government.

Sabah DAP chief Jimmy Wong said the government’s poverty eradication scheme known as ‘e-kasih’ has been sensationally confirmed as ineffective following Rosmah’s direct intervention to help a family living in abject poverty.

Rosnia @ Annie Marambal, a poverty stricken widow from Kota Marudu had appealed repeatedly for aid under the ‘e-kasih programme’ but was ignored.

The plight of the 36-year-old widow and her three children, living in a one-room, zinc shack at Kampung Kandaway was widely reported in the media and had caught Rosmah’s eye.

Wong questioned the effectiveness of the “e-kasih program” under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development which failed to respond to Rosnia’s plight.

Wong, who is also Sri Tanjung State assemblyman, questioned the methods used to help the poor and the selection criteria for the poverty eradication programme.

He asked how the government had allowed Rosnia’s case to slip thorugh the cracks.

“Rosnia and her  family are more than eligible for government assistance under the e-kasih programme for the poor and needy”.

“How poor must one be before assistance is approved by the ministry?” asked Wong.

Dubious programme

He wants the government to be transparent about the programme which he slammed as dubious.

“I have been informed that many eligible applicants are not getting assistance because they cannot afford to pay some so-called commissions.

“The minister concerned may not be aware of this and I urge her to check if there is any truth to this matter.

“It appears that the e-kasih programme should be more suitably be called “pilih-kasih” programme,” he said.

He said the party was disturbed to learn about yet another sad case of Sabahans living in abject poverty.


