MCMC censors websites, under request from the US government to stop Wikileaks network of file hosting options

By Yong Ming Hui

If everyone’s been reading news on the net lately, we all know that the MCMC has been directing ISPs to censor P2P and many many other file sharing and hosting websites.

Malaysia, in general, has no interests to ban these sites. There’re many other sites worth banning, especially those obvious porn web sites.

But we’re not here to talk about the obvious banning of porn web sites.

This is global governance on the horizon, global dictatorship rearing it’s ugly head soon.

The Malaysian government is under the order/direction of the US government. If you’ve read recently, US government legislated new laws to ban P2P and other file sharing/hosting websites.

This is after the Wikileaks incident.

Couple that with the memorandum of understanding between Malaysia-Today and Wikileaks, it would be no surprise the Malaysian government would also start to realize the importance of obeying the request by Barack Hussein Obama to censor these sites which has the potential to host explosive information that could be leaked by both Wikileaks and Malaysia-Today.

This also means, censorhip of Malaysia-Today could soon be on the horizon.

Global governance is declaring war on freedom.

Raja Petra is also right when he posted information that Najib is a Freemason.

As these people are all in the same elite circle of Luciferian worship, they will do things that help each other to achieve world governance and strip public freedom.

The Malaysian government not only works with these war mongering evil cult of bankers and luciferian worshippers. It is a matter of time before the wealth of Malaysians get stripped away with USA style ponzi financial schemes.

Najib Abdul Razak, the Ahli Kehormat Freemason, will sell out this country to the Zionist Freemason-run global government. Their handiwork now starts with MCMC banning P2P/torrent sites and soon to be targeting Wikileaks and Malaysia-Today.

Connect the dots, and you will see there’s a war against humanity going on…

It is time everyone wakes up and see who are the traitors in this country. And the first task is to flush out the Freemasons.
