Porn CDs: The buck stops here Mr Prime Minister
The rakyat cannot sit back and take all these filth and allow their young to be corrupted. The buck has to stop here for we are far too inundated with sickening filth.
By J. D. Lovrenciear
Truly the shameless and absolutely indecent and deceitful tactics being used to smear, tarnish and destroy leaders within the opposition camp has gone far too far.
First it was a shocker to the entire nation when Sodomy I was hatched. The Prime Minister then even went on prime news slots to mimick the act of masturbation shamelessly.
After all the beatings and attempts to finish off Anwar Ibrahim failed, Sodomy II was hatched and is still trenching its way with impunity. And to add salt to the open wound cut into the soul of the rakyat, a porn sex video is being peddled openly and incessantly.
And now comes another cruel deed – that of a sex porn CD on Mat Sabu.
What has the nation come to? Have we no more shame? Are our much bragged about police force totally incapable of fighting off these heinious and despicable acts of betrayal against humanity?
Mr Prime Minister, you have to take total responsibility for this state of affairs as the head of the nation in government. The rakyat meanwhile cannot sit back and take all these filth and allow their young to be corrupted. The buck has to stop here for we are far too inundated with sickening filth.
Perhaps the time has really come where the entire nation of honorable and principle centered citizens and leaders must convene, demand decency and nothing less before the nation loses all moral bearings and goes ballistic.
The political masters are failing. The law enforcers are incapacitated. The rakyat cannot let this failure to overwhelm them any more.
All Malaysians must rise to right what is grossly indecent, wrong, unjustified and shameful. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists and even Atheists must convene and demand in unison that the PM stops these damning deceitful actions by irresponsible individuals with ulterior motives or he steps down like a gentleman.