For heaven’s sake, BE FAIR!!!
This morning, a very old and dear friend whom I have known for decades came to visit me. As we sat there reminiscing in my living room. we exchanged notes about our sons and how we are so blessed in many ways. Recently widowed, L, has always been a steadfast and strong character, always giving her very best in charity projects for the poor and needy in Penang.
After talking for about two hours, she asked me if I had read THIS REPORT called The Pearl of the Orient needs a new polish, The Star editorial for today. I had not read it then although I came across it in the online version when I was having my breakfast. Then, she began her rant and opined that I should write about it and I promised to look at it and to blog about it if I feel angry enough.
As a Penangite, I do take umbrage to what I read in that article.
I always believe that we have to be as fair/objective as possible in our writing. In journalism, objectivity is of primary importance and encompasses fairness, factuality, and non-partisanship and a combination of these qualities that can assure readers of the neutral stand of the source/writer.
However, this particular editorial is certainly unfair in that it only highlights the negative aspects of the current Penang state government without highlighting THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS.
What is the motive then of focusing on a few black dots and forgetting about the beauty/achievements of the Penang state government in an editorial that is to be read by the whole nation and international readers who log into the online portal?
Why did they NOT MENTION:
- The state-wide WiFi initiative
- The establishment of the Penang Science Council
- The Senior Citizens’ Appreciation Programme where those who registered are given 100rm annually
- The holding of open tenders for all government contracts
- Initiatives towards making Penang a green state
- The increase of the annual allocation for Islamic religious activities from RM12.5mil in 2008 to RM24.3mil in 2010
- A huge amount of $ saved because the Penang govt now travel by Air Asia instead of other airlines
- and other achievements…
Why didn’t the editorial highlight how the Penang government has emphasized a governance based on competency, accountability and transparency?
Why didn’t they mention that the state government has implemented not only an open tender system but also a 2 week objection period to allow a review if there any valid complaints by unhappy competitors?
Why didn’t they mention that to further reduce financial temptations, the Penang State government has cut out the middle men by disbursing the money into the accounts and practicing electronic tender so that the days of needing political cables to secure government contracts are long past and replaced by computer cables?
Why did they just go on TO PROJECT A NEGATIVE IMAGE OF PENANG WITHOUT EXPLAINING HOW in their effort to protect and encourage whistle blowers, the Penang State government has introduced an Integrity Award of RM 10,000? The first recipient was a Penang Syariah High Court judge, Mohd Yusof who was also awarded a Datoship for exposing a cheating scam of more than RM 500,000.
Why did The Star fail to include statements of how the Penang state government has reaped the some benefits from our reforms by having a surplus budgets for 2008 and 2009 despite projected deficits of RM 35 million and RM 39 million respectively? It is common knowledge that for 2008, the Penang state government achieved a turnaround of RM 123 million or 26% of the 2008 budget by recording a surplus of RM 88 million instead of a deficit of RM 35 million.
If Transparency International Malaysia, which has commended the success of Penang CAT governance can recognize the Penang State government, why can’t The Star do that?
If the 2008 Auditor-General Report Department of Audit has complimented Penang’s prudent financial management and people-centric governance, why hasn’t The Star mentioned that?
The Penang Finance Department and Penang Development Corporation were two of the 8 state agencies in Malaysia that received the highest 4 star rating. Was this mentioned in the editorial today?
Did The Star focus on the 30 People Centric Policies of the Penang State government?
I am a very fair person. I am NOT saying that the Penang State government is perfect. IT IS NOT PERFECT and still has its flaws which have been deliberately highlighted by the editorial.
The Star said that “Penang had become a favoured location for factories and assembly plants, several of these closed as investors relocated abroad. There is still no back-up plan.” Well, did they bother to find the statistics of how much investment has been brought in? They should have and then they should have looked at the total picture, interviewed the CM, done their homework and then make an educated and well-researched editorial to give CONSTRUCTIVE and OBJECTIVE report based on FACTS and not OPINIONS.