Anwar vs Khairy: Seeking an out of court settlement

(Bernama) – The parties in a defamation suit brought by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim against Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin are to explore possibilities of an out-of-court settlement.

Khairy’s counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah told the media here today that High Court Judicial Commissioner Nik Hasmat Nik Mohamad had asked the parties to do this when meeting the parties in her chambers today.

Khairy was also represented by counsel Sarah Abishegam while counsel Mohd Haijan Omar acted for Anwar. Muhammad Shafee said he would discuss with his client (Khairy) on whether he agreed to settle the matter out-of-court.

The court set June 24 for case management for them to inform the court of their decision.
Anwar filed the suit on Sept 7, 2007, claiming that Khairy, who was then Umno Youth deputy chief, had defamed him at a political function in Kuala Kangsar, Perak, in August 2007.

He said the defamatory statements were carried by the print and electronic media in the country on Aug 3, 2007.

Anwar claimed that the statements portrayed him as a politician who could not be trusted by the Malays; who did not give importance to the struggle of the Malays and their rights; and that he was capable of betraying the Malay struggle and rights just to get the support of the non-Malays in the country.

Anwar contended that Khairy had made the statements to insinuate that he (Anwar) was a political agent of the United States and the Jews, as well as to ruin his political career, and that he had ill-intention when making the statements, which were lies, baseless and without truth.

Khairy defended in his statement of defence that the statements were made on an occasion of qualified privilege, justification and fair comment.

